11 - family

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"Your dad's back? Really?" Yuji asked in disbelief.

"Yeah," Megumi said. "I don't know all the details but he wants to meet me in person so we can talk." There was irritation in his voice. "After all these years, why now?" 

"If you don't want to talk to him, you don't have to." Yuji reminded him. "Don't force yourself to do anything you aren't comfortable with. But if you want I can talk to him with you?" He suggested.

"Nah it's okay." Megumi said. "This is something that I need to do myself. Besides, I actually have a few questions I need to ask him."

Alright." Yuji looked at Megumi with worry in his eyes. "When are you going to talk to him?"

"Today, after school ends." Megumi replied. "He's going to wait for me outside the gate." Will I even recognize him? It's been so long..

"I see." Yuji responded. "If something happens let me know."

"Yeah thanks." And then the bell rung, signaling the end of lunch. 


Ding ding. School had ended. Megumi left the classroom immediately. Yuji saw as he grabbed his bag and rushed out the door. 

He was debating following him, just so he could see what his dad looked like, but he decided not to. If it was a family thing he didn't want to interrupt. But at the same time, Yuji didn't really know what kind of relationship Megumi had with his dad. In fact he didn't really know much about Megumi's family in general.

But wait, didn't I find him passed out in an alleyway!? That's why he's staying with me in the first place? Whoever this guy is, I can tell he's probably not a good person. 

Then he remembered something Megumi had said before. He told Yuji something on the night his grandpa died. My dad abandoned me.

Yuji looked through the window with a view of the front gate. He couldn't see the details, but he saw a large, muscular looking man. He was standing there, smoking a cigarette. I guess that's him.

He saw Megumi talk to the man for a few minutes, and then Megumi and the man entered into a black, luxurious looking car. Yuji began to worry.

Wait Megumi doesn't have a cellphone so if something happens I can't call him! Yuji scratched his head in frustration. Man I should've gone with him! But they are already gone! He looked out the window and both their figures were already out of sight. 

Yuji sighed, and banged his head on the desk.


Later, Yuji was sitting at home watching television, trying to get his mind off things. But he couldn't help but worry. Is Megumi okay?

Just then he heard the jingling of keys at the front doorknob. Megumi opened the door and entered the house.

"You're home!" Yuji said in delight, getting up to greet him. "Is everything okay?" He asked.

"It's.." Megumi hesitated. "I don't even know what to say. A lot happened and.." Megumi sighed. He put his stuff down and took a seat in living in the room "I feel irritated about it."

"What happened?" Yuji asked.

"There's something I haven't told you." Megumi admitted. "Actually there's a lot I haven't told you. It'll might end up being a long rant though."

"It's fine, I'm here to listen." He assured Megumi. "You can tell me anything, no matter what it is or how long it is."

Megumi pondered. "Okay he finally spoke. Yeah.."

Yuji looked at him intently and patiently. He didn't want to pressure Megumi, but he was also very curious. 

Megumi gave it some thought. Then he finally spoke.

"Okay.." Megumi started. He grabbed a pillow and placed it on his lap gripping it for support as he hold his story.

"So it used to be the three of us, me, my mom, and my dad. But my mom died when I was young." He revealed. "And ever since she died, my dad started doing shitty things."

Megumi remembered all those fights they had, all those times he was alone and had no one to talk to. Recalling this stuff was hard, Megumi thought.

Megumi continued. "He started gambling, drinking, and sleeping around. He'd bring girls to the house sometimes but more often then that he barely came home. He'd leave for long periods of time and only come back once in a while. And one day he just up and left." 

Megumi looked at Yuji for a reaction. Yuji was just listening quietly.

"And then it was just you?" Yuji asked.

"Yeah." Megumi said. "It was just me for a bit, living on my own. But at least I still had the house. But when debt collectors came and I couldn't pay for anything, whether it was his debts or for the house or any bills, I was evicted. And that's how I ended up in that alleyway." 

Megumi looked down. He was still gripping his pillow.

"That's. That's horrible." Yuji finally spoke. "I can't believe that happened to you. Your dad sounds like a shitty person. But if he did all that, then why did he come back now?" He asked.

"You're right, it isn't logical for him to give a damn about me now," Megumi agreed. "But apparently he married some rich lady and now he's loaded. He's offering to let me move back in with them at their new house. That's where I went with him today." He explained.

"Oh." Yuji said in response. 

"Yeah." Megumi said. "Well at least I won't be in debt anymore and I don't have to keep working at that job. Even though I hate him." 

"Wait." Yuji realized. "Does that mean..you're leaving? We won't be living together anymore?" He asked. 

"I..I guess so." Megumi stammered. "I don't really want to live with him but I technically have to, since I'm a minor and he's still my dad. He has a new family, he's rich, and now he has a house. It makes sense for me to move in with him. Plus I checked out the place and it's big enough that I can lock myself in my room and avoid him." He remembered walking around the house, there being enough room were they could be completely separate.  

Plus I don't want to be a burden on you for any longer, Megumi thought. This is a family problem, and I don't want to keep getting you caught in it.

"Thanks for letting me stay with you for so long." Megumi said. "You're a good guy Yuji. It really means a lot to me. I don't know what I would've done without you. Actually I probably would've died in that alleyway if it wasn't for you. I owe you a shit ton. So thank you, for everything."

Instead of accepting his thanks, Yuji stayed silent. Why does this sound like a goodbye?

"I..I don't!" He started. I don't want you to leave!

But then Yuji remembered that this was always a temporary thing. Megumi wasn't going to stay at his place forever, he was only going to stay here until he was able to find somewhere else to live. He felt his heart break a little. 

But then he felt it, it was now or never. Even if Megumi was leaving, Yuji didn't want to say goodbye. 

"Megumi listen," Yuji started saying. "I know this probably isn't the right time for me to say this, but I've had these feelings for a while now and I think I'm going to go insane if I just keep it inside and never say anything." He took a deep breath. Megumi looked at him, and Yuji was unable to read his expression. 

Yuji continued. "I know you're leaving, but even though you are.." He trailed off.

Courage. Have courage.

"I want to stay by your side." Yuji stated. "I want to keep being with you." He repeated with conviction.

"Because I..." he mumbled. I am

"I'm in love with you."

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