2 - place

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Yuji unlocked the door to his apartment and turned on the lights. He ushered for Megumi to go inside, and then they both took off their shoes. 

Megumi stood there, awkwardly and out of place.

"Um" Yuji leaned against the wall. "You can just leave your stuff wherever." 

Megumi nodded and dropped his bag on the floor. 

"Is that all you have?" Yuji asked.

"Yeah I don't have much."


Yuji had a rather nice apartment. It was spacious and clean. Despite being simplistic looking, it was pretty luxurious. 

"Oh yeah!" Yuji remembered. "I have today's notes if you want them. I was going to ask you but you left before I could say anything. You can copy them if you want." He offered.


No response. Megumi looked at his feet. 

Then a loud growling noise was heard. It was from Megumi's stomach. 

"Ok well first you seem hungry. I'll get you something to eat." Yuji walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge door. "Do you want anything in particular? Like-" He looked around, the fridge was empty for the most part "-milk, or a half a sandwich or-" 

"I'm not hungry."

"Oh c'mon! I heard your stomach growling, you have to be hungry!" He opened the cupboard and found some cup noodles. "Aha! Here you can have this!" He threw the cup noodles to Megumi.

Megumi observed it. "It's okay. I don't really want to owe you anything."

"What- do you think you have to pay me back or something for giving you cup noodles? Just eat it. They cost barely cost anything anyways." 

"Ok" Megumi gave in. Yuji filled the kettle with boiling water and turned the stove on, and Megumi took a seat at the kitchen table. 

He had so many questions. What were you doing in the alleyway? Do you not have a house? Are you eating alright? 

He had a feeling that Megumi wouldn't answer anything though, so he kept quiet.

Megumi was the quiet type and he was quite reserved at school. From what Yuji noticed, he didn't have any friends, and during lunch breaks he would see him eating by himself. When school started and he transferred into their class in 3rd year, he actually used to get approached by people and was asked to hang out often, but he turned all of them down. He seemed to be purposefully isolating himself.

Yuji wondered why. Maybe he just doesn't like people? he thought. 

Megumi bent over and rested his head on the kitchen table. He looked like he could fall asleep right at that moment. 

"Oi, don't fall asleep yet! You still need to eat! The water finished boiling." Yuji turned off the stove. 

Megumi peered up. "I'm more tired than hungry. If I eat now I might fall asleep in the middle of eating"

"Alright then. Where do you want to sleep? You can take the bed and I guess I'll just sleep on the couch-"

Yuji turned to look at him and noticed Megumi was already asleep.

"Hey" Yuji tried shaking him lightly to wake him up but to no avail. He was already fast asleep.

He must've been really tired, Yuji thought. He moved the hair out of Megumi's face and observed his long eyelashes. His face looked serene. 

Just then, Megumi leaned a bit too far to the side and was about to fall to the floor before Yuji caught him. "Woah there." Yuji noticed that Megumi was very, very light. 

"Well you can't sleep here at the table so I guess I'll bring you to the couch." He picked him up in a princess carry. He really was light. Megumi had long limbs, and was tall and slim, but he also very, very light. Yuji rested him on the couch. 

He looks cute while sleeping, Yuji thought. He fluffed up and pillow and placed it under Megumi's head, and put a blanket over him. 


After 2 hours, Megumi woke up and found Yuji sitting on the arm of the couch, watching tv. 

"Oh are you awake now?" Yuji turned off the tv. "I figured that maybe you would get hungry in the middle of the night and want something to eat, so I thought that maybe I should stay up just in case."

Megumi crouched up. "No it's okay. I'm still tired."

"Alright then. Why don't you change out of your uniform then? It's probably not comfortable to sleep in it."

He laid back down again and turned on his side. "I don't really have anything except for the school uniform. And-" he looked at his bag "-yeah. Nothing else except this"

Yuji looked surprised. "So do you wear this one uniform to school?"

"I have two of these uniforms that I rotate between." He answered, straightforwardly. All Megumi's answers seemed to be straightforward, providing as minimal information as possible.

"But that's it? No other clothes?" Yuji asked.

"I don't need other clothes."

"Really? How about when you go out to places, or-"

"Don't ask too many questions." Megumi snapped. 

"Okay" Yuji looked dejected. "But still you shouldn't sleep in your uniform. Let me get you a change of clothes." He got up and walked towards his bedroom. 

"Why do you care so much?" Megumi mumbled.

"What?" Yuji looked back.


Yuji yelled from his bedroom. "You should also brush your teeth before you go back to sleep. And take a bath if you need to!"

"What are you, my mom?" Megumi complained. 

"Just do it." Yuji ordered him. He brought Megumi the extra change of clothes. He relented and entered the bathroom. 

"Hey." Yuji pondered. "If you live in an alleyway, where do you take baths and brush your teeth and change clothes?"

"In restaurant bathrooms and such." Megumi responded. He began brushing his teeth. 

"And how about showering?"

"I just wipe myself off with wet towels. Or at least I try to." 

"Uh, Isn't that unsanitary?" Yuji questioned.

"I don't need your imput." Megumi retorted. 

Yuji shook his head. "No, I didn't mean it that way! I was asking out of concern. I really wasn't trying to-"

"It's none of your business." He grumbled. 

"Yeah I'm sorry. I'll just keep quiet." Yuji let out a sad sigh and went to take a seat at the living room. 

Maybe I shouldn't have tried to pry too much, Yuji thought. So much for trying to learn more about him. 

Megumi really is a mystery. I realized that I know nothing, absolutely nothing, about him. 

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