6 - alone

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The morning lecture was boring as usual. Or maybe it was boring because Yuji didn't understand too much of it. Either way he was tuned out entirely, his mind wandering to other things.

"This was my first kiss."

Megumi's words echoed in Yuji's mind. It didn't even count as a proper kiss, it was just an indirect kiss. But a blush still crept on Yuji's face. 

Yuji didn't even like choco buns that much but suddenly they became his favorite food. Who knew choco buns could be so delicious?

He turned his head right to look at Megumi, his eyes subconsciously drawn to Megumi's lips.


Suddenly the classroom phone rang. The teacher paused the lecture to go answer it. 

"Yes hello? Hm....Alright." 

"Itadori-kun, it's for you." The teacher gestured for Yuji to come to the front of the class where the phone was. 

Yuji took the phone and spoke "Hello, Itadori Yuji speaking, what is it?"

And then Yuji heard the news, and his mind went blank. 


After that phone call, Megumi noticed there was something off about Yuji. He acted strange and...stiff. And a bit disoriented. Sort of like he was haunted by a ghost.

In fact, Yuji was about to head first into a wall before Megumi stopped him and grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey Yuji!" Megumi shook him. "Yuji! Are you okay?"

"What?" Yuji smiled. "Yeah I'm fine, I sort of just need to recollect my thoughts." He continued walking forward.

I wonder what happened, Megumi thought. But somehow he didn't get the chance to confront him about it.

He tried to ask him during lunch, but Yuji was nowhere to be found. Megumi even asked his friends if they ate with Yuji, but even they didn't know where he was. 

And then when they went back to class, Yuji continued on as normal. He acted seemingly happy, but stiff and disoriented, like something was off. Was he okay?

And then the bell rung, signaling the end of school. Yuji headed straight to the door.

"Hey are you okay?" Megumi asked. "You seem....off. Did something happen?"

"Yeah my grandpa died." He replied, a bit too nonchalantly. Yuji leaned against the wall.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Were you close with him?" Megumi asked. 

"Yeah." Yuji confirmed. "I would visit him at the hospital after school everyday. I didn't get to visit him yesterday though. And now he died this morning." His eyes wouldn't meet Megumi's.

"Uh.." Megumi scratched his head "Sorry I don't really know what else to say. Um..what do you plan on doing now?"

"Oh I'm going to the hospital after school to sign some papers, and then maybe see his body if they'll let me, I guess." Yuji said.

Megumi was about to ask if he could come with him if he needed support, but then he realized he had work at the café after school. Darn. 

"I hope it goes well." Megumi patted him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, I'll see you!" Yuji waved and walked away. 


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