15 - hurt

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"Thanks for filling the form out, you can take a seat over there." The officer told them.

Yuji and Megumi saw a few empty chairs on the side and sat down beside each other. They went to the police station to report Toji for violence, abuse, and child neglect, even though he probably committed a bunch of other crimes too. They sat there in silence for a while, waiting to get notified. Megumi's body was aching from pain and fatigue, but he didn't say anything. 

Finally an officer approached them. "We'll look into it. Right now there's an ongoing case that's taking all our power to investigate, so you'll probably have to wait a while." He said. 

The officer was about to walk away, but then he stopped to speak. "Oh yeah, you should put some ice on that," he mentioned, referring to Megumi's injury. "It's not severe enough to treat at the hospital so just take care of it at home." Then he turned around and went back to his other business. 

Take care of it at home he says, Megumi thought. Even though I am now homeless. Again.

"Well, I guess that's that." Yuji said. He got up and motioned Megumi to do the same. "Let's go home and treat your injuries."

Megumi looked at him solemnly. "I don't have a home anymore." Megumi was pretty sure Toji had abandoned him for good. 

"What are you talking about?" Yuji asked in confusion. "You're home is with me!" He declared. "You'll always have somewhere to go as long as I'm around."

Megumi was smiled. Even after everything that happened, Yuji managed to make him feel better. 

"Yeah," Megumi agreed. "Then let's go home."


"Ow!" Megumi complained. Yuji kneeled down in front of Megumi who was sitting in a chair. He was cleaning his injuries with alcohol before he dressed them in bandages. 

"Are you alright?" Yuji asked with concern. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." Megumi replied. "I'm completely fine. Completely."

"You are? Are you sure?" Yuji questioned him again. So much had happened in the last few hours, he was surprised Megumi was taking it this well. 

Megumi hesitated. And then he spoke. "My dad- well, I'll just call him Toji now- Toji told me a bunch of things. He told me that I was an accident and that my mom should've gotten an abortion. He said that I'm probably not even his son, and that I came from an affair. Even though I look just like a younger version of him." He explained.

But Megumi didn't look sad or even hurt, aside from the physical pain. He actually looked calm. He continued, "If he hit me and told me something like that before I met you, I probably would've just ended everything. But his words don't really mean much anymore. Because I have people that love me." He remembered. "Like Gojo."

"And you."

Yuji was so touched by his words that he got up abruptly and pulled Megumi in for a hug forgetting that Megumi was injured. "Ow," Megumi complained. But Megumi still accepted the hug. 

"Sorry haha," Yuji apologized. But they continued hugging. 

"So, are you sure?" Yuji asked just one more time to confirm. He pulled away from the hug to look Megumi in the face. "You really are okay?"

"Yes, Yuji. I am." Megumi confirmed. "I'll just cut ties with him permanently and let the law deal with him. He doesn't matter to me."

Plus, he probably won't come back again, Megumi thought. Ever. But he might end up getting arrested first. That is, if the police can even arrest him. He's committed crimes for so long and hasn't gotten caught, I doubt the police will do anything to him. 

But even after being beaten down and told that he was worthless by Toji, the way he constantly told himself in his own head, Megumi was unaffected by it now. He didn't care what happened to Toji. Because he knew he would always have someone there for him.  

"I'm glad I met you Yuji." Megumi smiled warmly. 

"Me too." Yuji said, as he grabbed Megumi's hand and held it affectionately. 

And in that moment, on impulse, Megumi leaned in close to Yuji. Close enough so that their noses were touching. 

And then he kissed him.

On the lips this time.

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