The Unsung History

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Rias sits before her brother a desk separating the two. Sirzechs sits in his chair silently as he looks over to Rias' report, explaining everything that had happened during their battle with Kokabiel. "And this is everything that happened?" Sirzechs asks as he hands the report over to his wife who's standing by his side.

"Everything that my peerage and I can recall," Rias replies as Sirzechs nods and turns to face his wife.

"Grayfia dear, please make sure Serafall, Ajuka, and Falbium all receive a copy," Sirzechs says as his wife nods before leaving the office. The current Lucifer then turns to face his sister again. "Now Rais let's talk about your school's parent day," Sirzechs says with a happy smile on his face as a bead of sweat runs down Rias' face. "It should be fun to see my little sister's school, plus I can properly thank that Cero boy for getting you out of that arranged marriage and handling Kokabiel in my absence," Sirzechs says as Rias suddenly slams both her hands on her brother's desk with a worried look on her face.

"Grayfia told you about the parent day didn't she?!" Rias shouts as Sirzechs continues to smile while looking at his sister.

"Of course she did. She's the one responsible for scheduling for the House of Gremory." Sirzechs confirms as Rias looks at him with a hopeless look. "Also father will be joining me of course." Sirzechs continues as Rias sinks into her seat.

"B-but, we can't have the people think that the devil king the type of ruler that neglects his work." Rias retorts with a worried smile on her face, but to her horror, Sirzechs' smile becomes a serious look.

"Neglecting my work? Rias going to your school's parent day is the farthest thing from neglecting my work. No, I'm giving the grounds a preliminary review, since it's the place that'll be holding a three-way peace conference between devils, angels, and fallen angels." Sirzechs tells his sister as Rias' face turns from one of embarrassment to one of shock.

"Our academy will hold such an event, but why? Surely there are more suitable locations?" Rias questions as Sirzechs answers.

"Rias you must think about all that has happened there the past few days. You, a devil capable of using a holy and demonic sword, the wielder of Durandal, the mysterious Black Dragon Emporier, The younger sister of the devil king Leviathan, Kokabiel, and the legendary White Dragon Emporier have all set foot in the same place. That can't be a mere coincidence." Sirzechs explains. "And I believe the catalyst for all this, is that boy, Zato Cero," Sirzechs says as Rias looks at her brother, however before she could speak Sirzechs stands and places the report Rias gave him on a bookshelf behind him.

"Anyway, it's rather late. You should stay here for the night, I believe mother has already arranged rooms for you and your peerage." Sirzechs says with a smile as Rias bows her head, thanking her brother for his time. Leaving the room Rias walks toward what was once her room. However, her mind is thinking about everything her brother had told her. Big things are coming and Rias doesn't know what to think. A conference between the three faction leaders is going to be held at her school, her brother and father coming to her parent day, and every faction seemingly has their eyes on Zato due to his unprecedented sacred gear. Rias breathes a heavy sigh as she enters her room and begins to get ready for bed.

"Nothing I can do about it. All I can do is inform Zato, the next time I see him." Rias tells herself as she gets into her bed and slowly drifts off to sleep. As Rias slumbers she dreams that's she's in a crimson room with no entrance or exit.

Looking around Rias sees nothing but Crimson, that is until she looks behind her and sees someone. A man that looks similar to her but older and much more monstrous. A long crimson ponytail reaches down to his waist, his ears are pointed, black and yellow horns sprout from the head, instead of hands he has sharp black and yellow claws that look like they could slice through anything like paper, and his eyes are black with slit yellow pupils. He's dressed like royalty, but not to the same extent as a king or any kind of ruler for that point.

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