The Consuming Gear

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Riser looks down at Zato still in shock from the amount of power Zato released when he brought out his sacred gear. A massive amount of black energy surrounding the arm with Zato's consuming gear on it. After a moment Riser dismisses his fear and smirks.

"Riser must say that your little light show was impressive but there's no way a human such as yourself can control such power." Riser laughs but suddenly Riser finds himself in front of Zato, although he never moved anywhere near him. In that second of shock and confusion, Zato swings his gauntlet cover fist, slamming it into Riser's face and sending the arrogant bird through the roof of the school, into the floor below.

"If you're gonna mouth off during a fight at least make sure you can back it up," Zato states as he taps his sacred gear before looking at it a bit. "I've never seen it take this shape before, it usually manifests as just a pitch color that covers a part of my body or a black mist," Zato says to himself as suddenly Riser burst through the roof and into the air.

"A mere human would dare strike Riser Phenex, the punishment befitting your crime is death!" Riser shouts in anger as he shoots a massive burst of flames right toward Zato. The delinquent only raises his gauntlet covered hand and as the flames collide with his hand they're consumed by the gauntlet.

"Did you forget about me?!" Shouts Ravel as she too shoots a beam of flames toward Zato.

"I didn't," Zato states as he raises his other hand. It becomes pitch black and just like Riser, Ravel's flames also begin to get consumes. Then the siblings suddenly mere inches away from Zato. Then Zato quickly throws both his hands into the air causing the flames to follow.

"What?" Ravel asks in complete shock

"When did we move, no how did he move us?" Riser asks as Zato grabs his face and slams him into the school roof. Before he could deal with Ravel, Zato feels a great deal of hear building up in the hand holding down Riser. Releasing Ravel Zato jumps back and avoids Riser releasing a massive burst of flames from his body.

"This mere human is this much of a problem?" Riser asks himself as the flames of the Phenex clan burns around him. "Ravel takes care of Rias, she's the one we must defeat in order to claim victory." Riser tells his sister as she nods and rushes toward Rias.

"You think I'll let you?" Zato asks as he looks toward Ravel, but Riser quickly flies in front of his sister and suddenly Riser is in front of Zato instead of Ravel. Riser smirks at this as he tackles Zato to the ground.

"I have you now!" Riser shouts as he raises his hands into the air

"Had." Zato simply says as he falls through the floor and lands on the floor below the school's roof. Before Riser could fall down with Zato he spreads his fiery wings and stops his descent. Looking down Riser sees a hole that's the exact shape of Zato's body.

"The hell is this? What kind of power does this brat have?" Riser asks himself as a chuck of the roof is flung at him. Seeing this Riser blasts it with his flames. As it breaks apart Riser is met with Zato who was hiding behind the rubble. Zato delivers a powerful punch square to Riser's face. Riser goes flying back and slams into the roof of the school.

"Hey Rias, if you're still close enough to hear me, you better not lose to that brat!" Zato shouts as suddenly Riser flings himself toward Zato both his fist lit ablaze.

"Bastard, Riser Phenex will not be beaten by a mere human! It doesn't matter what your sacred gear is, a human can't defeat a high ranking devil-like Riser!" Riser attempts to punch Zato but when he throws his fist Zato catches it with his sacred gear. Seeing this Riser tries with his other hand but Zato catches that two, his other hand pitch black. That same abyss of black surround Zato's begins to consume the flames surrounding Riser's hand.

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