The Meetings

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A tree is blasted apart by a red and black burst of magic. The caster of that magic is Rias Gremory. Sweat rolls down her face as her arms fall to her side. "It's still not good enough," Rias tells herself as she looks at the destroyed tree. "My brother's destruction magic is, far more powerful than this," Rias tells herself as she rubs the spot where Zato had slapped her. His words still echoing in her head. "Zato's right, I'm weak. Akeno, Koneko, Kiba, they've all worked so hard to get where they are. I've been handed everything since birth." Rias tells herself while making a tight fist.

"There's nothing wrong with that. Just so long as you branch out and grow stronger by your own accord." Says a male voice completely new to Rias. Turning around Rias sees a man walking toward her.

"You're used to only relying on the strength you've had since birth and you're only now starting to train

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"You're used to only relying on the strength you've had since birth and you're only now starting to train. That's both a blessing and a curse to you." The man says as he takes his cigarette out of his mouth and releases a small cloud of smoke. 

"Who are you and what are you talking about?" Rias asks very cautiously due to the sudden appearnce of this  mysterious man.

"You're still in your prime and right now your magic is at its boiling point, in regards to growing stronger. It'll be hard for you to break through the wall before you due to your lack of training, but once you break through that wall you'll growth will be exponential." The man tells Rias before seemingly vanishing.

With the man now gone Rias is left very confused due to the man's sudden appearance and departure. However, his words were running laps in her head. "A wall?" Rias questions. "And if I can break through that it, my strength will grow." As Rias wonders about the man's mysterious words she hears a much more familiar voice.

"Ah, there you are Rias." Turning around Rias sees her friend Sona. "I hope I'm not interrupting but there's a matter that we need to discuss. Are you and your queen free, we can discuss it in the bathhouse." Sona explains as Rias puts her hand on her hip.

"I'll meet you there in about seven minutes. Just let me finish up here." Rias replies as Sona nods before using a magic circle to teleport away.

About a mile away inside the town of Kouh walks that same man as he lets his cigarette fall from his mouth. As it hits the ground he steps on it, once the fire hazard is out the man reaches into his coat and pulls out a flask. Taking a quick swig the man looks toward the sky. "That girl has a great deal of potential, I'd say she has about three weeks before that wall becomes unbreakable and she's stuck at here current strength level forever. However, right now that wall is at its weakest. She should be able to break it." The man says as he pockets his flask and sighs.

"Now what was I originally here for?" The man asks himself while holding his chin. "Oh that's right I need to find Atsu before he does something stupid. I'm so stupid for telling him about that darn boy. I should have known he'd pull something like this. That freaking battle fanatic." The man curses his own stupidity.

As he crosses the street two people walk past him from behind. Those two people are Zato Cero and Felix Watasuki. "So after eating, breathing, and shitting Christianity for more than six years you just left before some kind of big ceremony?" Zato questions 

"Correction I left during the ceremony. Middle fingers up and telling everyone thought. The entire nine yards." Felix corrects his friends.

"Why'd you leave?" Zato questions

"Differing viewpoint, plus after thinking on some memories from the past I realized just how crappy all their teachings are," Felix explains as he looks at his watch. "Getting late, you wanna eat at my place, I have pizza bagels," Felix says with a smirk.

"I'm good I should be getting anyw-" Before Zato could finish Felix grabs his arm and starts pulling him toward the direction of his house.

"Excellent this way!" Felix shouts

"Bastard I said no!" Zato shouts but his complaints fall on deaf ears.

A few minutes go by and soon Zaton asks a question. "So where are you staying, I don't remember seeing any houses for sale?" Zato asks 

"I'm living at a house not that far away from Kouh Academy. For some reason, the lady selling it to me kept bringing up the previous owners. I think their names were the Hyoudou." Felix tells his friend.

"That's the family with the missing kid." Zato says bluntly

"The lady mentioned that too, she didn't give me the full story but said no one wanted to by the house for that very reason.....can you give me the story that she didn't?" Felix asks as he lets go of Zato's arm.

"I only know about it through the rumors at Kouh. Apparently the Hyoudou took a family trip to Kyoto for the weekend but the night before they were supposed to go home their son Issei just up and vanished. Gone without a trace." Zato explains. "A massive search was launched but nothing came of it. After about a year I think his parents moved to a neighboring town not being able to handle living in that house anymore." Zato goes on as Felix nods.

"So that's why she sold me the house for dirt cheap," Felix says as he suddenly stops.

"You good. Not like you to just stop mid-conversation." Zato says as he turns to look at his friend.

"You can stop the act, you sense it too right. There are two people with strong presence nearby." Felix says as Zato looks at his surprise.

Zato hadn't noticed but not that his friend had said something he does pick up on it. "Felix is capable of sensing another's presence, I had no idea. Not to mention he knew well in advance about these two strange presences. They just came into my range, so that begs the question, how fair is Felix's range?" Zato questions as he looks around. "So where are they?" Zato asks while looking around.

"Don't bother looking I already know," Felix says while beginning to walk again.

"You do, where?" Zato asks

"My front door and judging by the presence I think I already know who it is." Felix answers

"He knows who it is and where they are? I know they're around but I can't pinpoint the location. To think Felix would already be this adept at sensing presence." Zato says within his mind.

The two continue to walk before arriving at Felix's house and finding two people at his door. "Are you sure this is the right place?"

"I'm telling you my friend lives here.  I could never forget this place. Befoe I moved to the church I spent so much time over here."

"Had a feeling it would be you two but I couldn't be sure since everyone's presence at the church was so similar." Felix says as the two turn around.

"So Irina Shidou and Xenovia Quart, what can I do for my old church mates?" Felix asks as he looks at the two

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"So Irina Shidou and Xenovia Quart, what can I do for my old church mates?" Felix asks as he looks at the two.

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