The Scorpion!/New Housemates!

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A man in a scorpion suit appears before Tombstone. 

Tombstone( Real Name: Lonnie Lincoln! Right Hand Man to the Big Man! Strong man with pale skin! Voiced by Kevin Michale Richardson!) 

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Tombstone( Real Name: Lonnie Lincoln! Right Hand Man to the Big Man! Strong man with pale skin! Voiced by Kevin Michale Richardson!) 

Tombstone: Ah, so you came Mr. Gargan. 

Scorpion (Real Name: Mac Gargan! Trapped in a Scorpion Suit! Hates Jameson! Voiced by Dante Basco (AKA: Prince Zuko)) 

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Scorpion (Real Name: Mac Gargan! Trapped in a Scorpion Suit! Hates Jameson! Voiced by Dante Basco (AKA: Prince Zuko)) 

Scorpion: IT'S SCORPION! Just hearing my old name gets on my nerves! 

???: I recommend that you be well behaved Mr. Scorpion. I do not want any fights in my building. 

Scorpion: So you're the Big Man? 

Big Man: Well, let's say that I am. For my own size. 

Kingpin (Real Name: Wilson Fisk! Mayor of New Canterlot City! Lord of Crime! Voiced by Roscoe Lee Browne!) 

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Kingpin (Real Name: Wilson Fisk! Mayor of New Canterlot City! Lord of Crime! Voiced by Roscoe Lee Browne!) 

Scorpion: HOLY SHIT! Mayor Fisk! You're the Kingpin? 

Kingpin: Yes. My cover as Mayor is very useful in my crime business. Now then, I want you to take care of the Spider-Man. 

Tombstone: He's been busting our men left and right. Every time. 

Scorpion: To hell with the Spider! I want Jameson!!

Kingpin: Really? Well if it makes you happy, then go ahead. Just make sure to bring me Spider-Man's head. 

Scorpion ponders. 

Scorpion: Got it!

He then takes off. 

Meanwhile ... 

You are about to enter the Daily Bugle, and then you see the Dazzlings shivering on the side. 

Sonata: My shoes are really bugging me. All the things I've stepped in. 

Adagio: You're not the only one. 

Aria: N-No sh-sh-sh-sh-shit. 

(Y/N): Hi girls. 

They jump back. 

Sonata: (Y/N)!!! 

Adagio: Are you here to help us? 

(Y/N): Well ... define what you mean by help. 

Aria: We still haven't found a home a- 

You then see Scorpion break open the window of Jameson's office!

(Y/N): Well, time to go! 

You go to turn to Spidey! 

Dazzlings: Well, let's go help him!! 

Jameson's Office .... 

The Head of the Daily Bugle was grabbed by the throat and was about to be dropped. 

Jameson: Gargan! Gargan, please! Let's talk about thi- 

Scorpion: Talk?! You put me in this suit! I didn't ask for this! JUST LOOK AT ME!!! 

Jameson: I ... I .... 

He felt his voice disappearing. 

Scorpion: Now then, say goodnight y- 

You use your webs to grab a hold of his tail and then swing him over! 

Jameson flies right into a little tree, and he recuperates. 


You then web his mouth shut. 

Spidey: Mommy and Daddy are in something right now. 

Scorpion: So you're Spider-Man! 

Spidey: Uh .. who are you? 

Scorpion: I'm Mac Gargan! Remember? 

Spidey: Oh yeah, that detective guy! 

Scorpion: Thank you!!! Sheesh!! Now then, nothing personal, but I have to kill you. I'd rather kill Jameson, but whatever! NOW DIE!! 

He swings his fists at you, and then he uses his tail to hit you, but then you web-shoot him in the face, and sock him in the jaw. 

Scorpion: You're going to make me really pissed off! 

He spins and tries to slash you with his tail, but well, he gets a desk to the face! 


He hits you with a bunch of Scorpion poison from his tail. 

Spidey: Huh? Why do I feel so funny? It's like if I- 

Scorpion: Now t- 

Sonata HIYA! 

Sonata kicks him in the face and sends him flying out of the building. 

Adagio: How is he? 

Aria: He's been poisoned! 

Sonata: Don't worry! I'll suck the venom from his veins! Like in the movies! 

Soon ... 

You wake up, and soon find yourself being hugged by the Dazzlings. 

Spidey: You girls! 

Sonata: Don't worry! That big bad Scorpion is dealt with! We're all going to be okay!! 

Aria: It's not that we like you or- 

(Y/N): Yeah you do. 

Adagio: Wait ... you knew all along? 

(Y/N): Yeah, I just like faking ignorance. 

Girls: Oh that makes sense! 

(Y/N): Also, I have a harem. Want to be in it. 

Adagio: Well, I suppose. 

Aria: Alright, but I'm not sure about- 

Sonata: OH YES!! THANK YOU!! 

Sonata gives you a big kiss! 

Adagio and Aria: SONATA!! 

They begin to beat each other up! 

(Y/N): Girls, please! 

Girls: Sorry. 

Adagio and Aria then kiss you. 

Soon ... 

You bring the Dazzlings home, and they are super happy! 

Dazzlings: YES!!! THANK YOU (Y/N)!! 

They continue to hug you and kiss you!! 

(Y/N): Man, my life isn't so bad anymore after all!

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