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Twilight laid on the couch flexing her barefeet as she read from one of the several books that were surrounding her. 

Twilight: Hmmm ... yes, I see. So then Mr. King, what else do you have to say about this dystopian future where people supposedly run to escape killers and report about their findings to win money? 

She turns the page and keeps commenting. 

???: Hey Twilight, do you need me right now? 

A small purple dog appears. 

Spike (Twilight's Best Friend! A Dragon in Equestria, and her pet dog on Earth! Voiced by Cathy Wesluk!) 

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Spike (Twilight's Best Friend! A Dragon in Equestria, and her pet dog on Earth! Voiced by Cathy Wesluk!) 

Twilight: Oh hey Spike! Yeah sure! Why don't you keep me some company with your cute furry body? 

Spike: Sure thing. 

He gets on her body and wags his tail. 

Twilight: Aww! You're so cute!! 

Spike blushes. 

Spike: Please don't say that, I get a little bit nervous, for having stayed like this for so long. 

Twilight: Hey, no need to be embarrassed! 

Fluttershy: I know! He's so adorable!! 

Fluttershy, Pinkie, Sunset, AJ, Rainbow, and Rarity showed up. 

Twilight: Where were you girls? 

AJ: We were doing various tasks. 

Rainbow: And I got food too! 

Twilight: Oh great! I was getting hungry!!

Sunset: Oh yeah, and also, we brought some friends to catch up with! 

The ladies from Class 1-A soon appeared. 

Twilight: Wow, this is a lot of catching up to be honest. 

Soon ... 

The seven American teens were quickly getting along with the 6 Japanese Teens! 

Twilight: WOW! Momo, you're really the top of your class? 

Momo: That's right. I always get straight A's. Though my experience in the field against villains is lacking. 

Twilight: But didn't you beat Shocker? 

Momo: That's because he has low intellect. 

Ochaco: For a guy who managed to make guns that can fire air blasts. 

Momo: Impressive technology indeed. 

Twilight: Well I still think you're a genius! 

Momo hugs Twilight. 

Momo: Thank you Twilight! We're going to be the best of friends I know it! 

The two then lie down together and decide to read along. 

Sunset: So, Ochaco, I always wanted to know why you vomit when you use your powers for too much. 

Ochaco: My stomach just cramps up you see, and well, once I let go, it just comes all out. You know like when the water flows out. 

Sunset: Oh I see. 

Rainbow then begins interrupting by eating a big long dog!

Rainbow then begins interrupting by eating a big long dog!

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Rainbow: Oh I was doing a run, and I found a Sonic, and I got lunch. 

Kyoka: Hey, what about m- 

Rainbow then throws one into her face. 

Kyoka: Thank you. 

Rainbow: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Man, I love ya Kyoka. 

She hugs her new friend and gives her a noogie, and then the jamming hero sticks her earphone jacks into Rainbow! 

Kyoka: Feelings mutual Dashie. 

She winks at her. 

Fluttershy: Tsu, your tongue, it's- 

Tsuyu: You like it, Ribbit? 

Fluttershy: Oh I do! Your power is a gift. And your ribbits are so cute!!

Tsuyu: You're cute too Flutter-Chan!! 

The two hug each other, and Fluttershy feels Tsuyu lick her cheeks. 

Fluttershy: So cute!! 

She hugs her and kisses her cheeks! 

Then the two smile at each other. 

AJ: Good to see that you're all getting along. Hey Toru, you okay? 

Toru: Yeah, I mean, I'm just concerned about wearing a new hero outfit. The gloves and shoes aren't going to do it. Got anything?

AJ: Oh, why don't you try this? 

Toru: I am so going to get shot if I try something like that. 

AJ: Just suggesting. 

Toru: Okay, I'll try something different, like a punch of robes or something! 

Pinkie and Mina: Maybe we can help with that!! 

The girls then continued to laugh and enjoy themselves, while Spike sighed. 

Spike: There they go!

Soon ... 

You look to see all 13 girls still conversing while sitting on the couch. 

(Y/N): Hi gi- 

You are then tackled and kissed by all of them! 

Girls: WELCOME BACK (Y/N)!!! 

(Y/N): You're all so cute. 

Spidey's Spectacular Harem (Male Reader Spidey x Massive Harem!)Where stories live. Discover now