Forcing AIM Out!/Even More Girlfriends and Housemates!

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The AIM Agents proceed to take the campers hostage. 

Students: Hey, what do you guys think you're doing?! You can't do this to us!!! 

AIM: Shut up already!/We can't let anyone know about us. You know way too much at this point. 

Most of the agents then proceeded to hold guns to their heads, but then before they could try anything, Celestia and Luna suplexed two agents and grabbed their weapons. 


They then shoot the agent in the knees. 

Celestia: Did you actually think that most of us couldn't fight? 

Luna: You were mistaken! 

AIM Agents: Well ... shit. 

Back inside .... 

Rainbow kicks some more Agents that attack her. 

Rainbow: So be honest, Your Boss, freaks you out right? Just look at him! Who would do that? 

Twilight: I can't believe I'm saying this, but man, human technology is even worse than the blackest of magic! 

She then hits MODOK! 


He then uses a mind wave against Twilight! 

Twilight: AGH! 

MODOK: Even the might of those who control the dark arts are no match for MODOK!! 

Spidey: Hey, MODORK! How about this? 

You throw a computer mainframe right into his face. 

MODOK: ARGH!! You will pay for that! I will personally destroy you, until your eyes are- 

He then notices that the base is getting destroyed. 

MODOK: What's going on?! 

Then an AIM Agent falls down, with White Tiger appearing! 

White Tiger: HEY! What are you guys doing here screwing around?! There's a lot of other AIM idiots out there! 

MODOK: Ugh! I must retreat now! 

MODOK seals himself inside of a container that sprouts rocket engines and he escapes. 


However, he is now out of sight. 

Spidey: Well there he goes. Now, what was that again Ava? 

White Tiger: Well- 

Back outside .... 

Many of the campers begin to punch, kick, smash, or throw various objects at the AIM Agents, who were getting their weapons restricted! 


Campers: YEAH!! 

Timber punches a bunch of them in the face, and when he sees one trying to sneak up on Gloriosa, he just tackle attacks them! 

Timber: You alright Sis? 

Gloriosa: You bet!! 

She kicks another in the nuts. 

All of the others then begin to restrain the AIM Agents!! 

And then you zip up with the rest in order to check up on things. 

Spidey: Well looks like everything's alright!! You guys don't need to worry! MODOK is gone, and I think AIM isn't going to be stalking around here anymore. 

Everyone pretty much congratulated you on a job well done. 

Spidey: Hey, you guys did well too, just don't get too ahead of yourself, it's not easy being a Superhero. 

Soon ... 

After all of that was good and done with, you knew that what had happened with Filthy Rich was going to affect Diamond. She had pretty much lost the father that she knew and loved, so now what? 

You found her being comforted by her friends. 

(Y/N): Hey, is everything alright? 

Diamond: (whipping her tears!) My Dad is gone, and I don't know what to do. 

Silver Spoon: Come on Diamond, don't worry, we're here for you. 

Diamond: But what do I do now? I can't possibly live with my Mom, she barely wants anything to do with me. 

(Y/N): Would it be good if you came and lived with me and the girls then? 

Diamond and Silver Spoon hugged you! 

Diamond: YES!!! PLEASE!!!! 

Silver: We get to stay with our best friends!! 

The CMC then come into this group hug!!! 

Eventually .... 

You then are approached by many girls from both schools! 

(Y/N): Okay, so let me guess, did you girls manage to gain feelings for me, and learn who I am? 

Girls: Yes. 

Cinch: You're a good man indeed. 

Cadence: And we'd be more than happy to join your little harem. 

(Y/N): Really? Okay then! 

Shadowbolts: We really admire you you know!!! 

Trixie: Trixie loved you since the beginning! 

(Y/N): How nice. 

Gloriosa then approaches you with twiddling thumbs. 

Gloriosa: Can I join too? I talked to Timber, and he said that I should be joining up with you. Please? 

You then web her over. 

(Y/N): Well, you've had it rough. 

Gloriosa: (Giggles) 

She then kisses you! 

Meanwhile ... 

Wonder Man manages to calm himself down, after he lands in an area far away in the desert. 

Wonder Man: Damn this power. I can't believe it, it's making me unstable. How can- 

???: Oh I think I can help with that. 

The Enchantress (Real Name: Amora! Enemy of Thor! Magic User from Asgard! Voiced by Kari Whalgreen!) 

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The Enchantress (Real Name: Amora! Enemy of Thor! Magic User from Asgard! Voiced by Kari Whalgreen!) 

Wonder Man: Really? And what's it for me? AGH! 

He begins to feel pain inside of him. 

Enchantress: I can keep you alive with my magic, just trust in me, and join our Masters of Evil. 

Wonder Man: Masters of Evil? 

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