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You guys soon reached Asgard, though there was something quite off about it!

You guys soon reached Asgard, though there was something quite off about it!

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The place was covered in ice! 

Sunset: What is this ice? 

Johnny: Oh that's fine! I'll just burn our way through it! 

Thor: This is the work of Frost Giants. Loki, just what are you even planning? 

Wolverine: Hate to have you interrupted Bub. But shouldn't we be going already? 

Katsuki: You're just a dick aren't you? 

Wolverine: Fuck off Kid. 

Katsuki: YOU FUCK OFF! 

They both glare at each other. 

Sunset kicks them both. 

Sunset: Can you two knock it off? 

Spidey: So then what? 

Thor: We must find Loki. He should be deeper inside. 

While heading across the bridge, several Asgardians clashed with the Frost Giants! 

And you guys could swear you heard Loki laughing. 

Loki: Intruders in my new kingdom? I can't let this happen. Oh Brother, when will you ever learn. 

Thor: Loki, enough of these games! 

Loki: I'm just getting started. Try and see if you can find me! HAHAHAHAHAHA! 

Spidey: Man, he's really getting annoying. 

Johnny: Hey, is he trying to even be funny. That's my job. 

Mina: Really Johnny? 

Soon ... at the City of Asgard ...

There were many Asgardians fighting amongst the villains! Including- 

Heimdall (Guardian of the Bifrost! Ally to Thor! Mighty Asgardian! Voiced by Kevin Michale Richardson!)

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Heimdall (Guardian of the Bifrost! Ally to Thor! Mighty Asgardian! Voiced by Kevin Michale Richardson!)

Heimdall (Guardian of the Bifrost! Ally to Thor! Mighty Asgardian! Voiced by Kevin Michale Richardson!)

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