Time to Get Sirius!

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You saw both Sirius and Tsu getting changed into the swimsuits, and are about to dive into the water! 

(Y/N): I see you girls are already ready to start swimming. 

Sirius: Well, Tsu really wanted me to spend some time with her. 

Tsuyu: Sirius and I haven't seen each other for a while, so I think it would be a very good idea to catch up. 

(Y/N): Great. Just don't try to do anything like pull me into the water like last time. I really thought that was uncalled for. 

Sirius and Tsuyu: Sorry about that. 

(Y/N): Hey, it's in the past. So, then, are you ready to jump in? 

Sirius and Tsuyu: YES!!/YES, RIBBIT!!!

Soon ... 

The three of you jump in, and you notice that Tsu is basically just swimming like a frog, and getting up close to you, to give you some kisses and licks with her mouth and tongue!

Then Sirius comes up, and she surprises both of you with hugs and kisses. 

(Y/N): You know, I had a feeling there was something off about the two of you the moment that I saw you interact with each other for the first time. 

Sirius: I guess we're busted. 

Tsuyu: You're pretty smart! 

Tsuyu smiles and gives you another lick. 

(Y/N): I have a keen eye for cute girls. 

After a nice dip ... 

You all get dressed, and well Tsu and Sirius just look adorable holding each other's hands. 

Tsuyu is wearing a green dress and green nail polish. She is shifting her feet fast as if she's very shy and nervous at this moment. 

Sirius is wearing a white shirt and a black skirt. Her nail polish is light blue. 

(Y/N): Alright girls, I am going to serve you both some food, and then we'll snuggle while we eat! 

Tsuyu: GREAT! 

Sirius: Sounds like fun!!!

Sirius and Tsu wait on the couch and lie down together. Sirius gives Tsu a footsie while kissing her. 

And then she feels her cheeks licked by Tsuyu, who then gives her a few kisses, and then returns to the licks. 

Sirius: You love licking don't you? 

Tsuyu: I do! It's fun! 

She goes back to licking, and then feels Sirius give her more kisses, and a foot massage from her older lover!

Tsuyu: You're so sweet! 

Sirius: You are too. It's great for us to have our own social lives when evil is not doing anything rash!

And then before they could even say dingleberry, you arrive with the food ... 

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Tsuyu: OOH! Sushi! 

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Tsuyu: OOH! Sushi! 

Sirius: And gyoza! Thanks (Y/N)! 

(Y/N): See? I knew you would love it!

They then begin eating all the food you have given them while kissing and feeding you. 

(Y/N): You all just love to feed me, do you? 

Sirius: As Tsu said, it's fun. 

Tsuyu: YEP! We love you (Y/N)! You're the best! 

(Y/N): And I love you, girls, too. 

You then go to feed them, and they just smile and kiss you!

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