Merc with The Mouth!

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Right now you Izuku, Katsuki, AJ, and Sunset were beating up Hydra thugs in a warehouse, all while Nine and Vulture yelled at them in rage.

Nine: So much for help these days.


Soon they are then contacted by another Hydra Leader!

Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker (One of the Hydra Leaders! Successor to Red Skull! Has a special glove that allows him to fire powerful energy blasts! Has injected himself with a serum that has slowed his aging since the 1930's! Voiced by Jim Ward!)

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Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker (One of the Hydra Leaders! Successor to Red Skull! Has a special glove that allows him to fire powerful energy blasts! Has injected himself with a serum that has slowed his aging since the 1930's! Voiced by Jim Ward!)

Strucker: REPORT! What's going on?

Nine: Everything is fine Baron. We're just having a ruckus with some heroes.

Vulture: There's nothing to worry about right now.

Strucker: There better be, or else-

The transmission is cut off as Katsuki punches them with an explosion!

Katsuki: Oops. Did I do that?

AJ then appears.

AJ: Oh don't act so smug, you wouldn't have been able to get them if I hadn't got the others out of the way.

Katsuki: Please, you're lucky that I backed you up Cowgirl!

Vulture: Well? You wouldn't hurt an old man would you?

Katsuki: Oh I wouldn't hurt an old man.

Vulture: Well at least you have-


Just as Katsuki is about to send him flying, Nine goes to intervene!!

But before he can hurt the cocky hero-

???: WOW SKIPPY! You got guts!!

Katsuki: The fuck?

You stop playing catch with a beat up Hydra Soldier with Sunset, and shiver.

Spidey: Oh no. Him.

Izuku: Who?

Sunset: Spidey are you shaking?

Then another red figure appears!!!

???: Oh what's this? I wasn't invited to the party?! I'm ashamed!

???: Oh what's this? I wasn't invited to the party?! I'm ashamed!

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Deadpool (Real Name: Wade Wilson! The Merc with the mo-

Deadpool: OH HOLD UP AUTHOR! Let me do it!


Deadpool: Come on! I'm saying the voice actor and bio stuff!!

Ugh! Fine!

Deadpool: Right! I'm Wade Wilson, AKA: Deadpool! I got twin katanas, mallets, twin Barrett's pistols named "Butter," and "I Can't Believe it's Not Butter!" Also I can teleport, recover, and I'm voiced by Nolan North! Moving on!

He then shoves a bunch of bombs into the equipment of the two Villains!

Nine: WHAT?!

Vulture: MOVE NOW!!

Kurogiri appears.

Kurogiri: Ugh, why me? Let's go!

The two take off back to the base.

Soon ...

Deadpool: Spidey, my old pal! How's it going?

Spidey: We're not friends.

Katsuki: Ugh, shut him up, he's so annoying.

Sunset: Does this guy have a mute button?

Deadpool: Unfortunately hot stuff, I don't.

Sunset: EXCUSE ME?! Oh that does it!

She tries to slap him, but he teleports!

Deadpool: Sorry, no hitting.

AJ: What's his deal?

Izuku: Is he a hero?

Spidey: Sort of yes, and sort of no.

Deadpool: That my fine kiddies depends on if I get paid or not. Spidey and I go way back!

Spidey: Don't get me started on that stupid monkey with the machine guns.

Deadpool: Oh come on! Hitmonkey was fun!

Katsuki: GOD DAMN IT! What's wrong with him? Who is he talking to?

Deadpool: That I can't say.

AJ: Why?

Deadpool: It's something I mostly need to do. For you, my fellow fans!

Sunset: Man, he does the same thing Pinkie does from time to time.

Spidey: Why are you even here?

Deadpool: Funny thing you should say, you see Hydra had hired-

???: YOU!! Come back here!

Another assassin appears!

Taskmaster (Real Name: Anthony Masters! An Assassin employed by Hydra! Can copy the fighting styles of other heroes! Voiced by Clancy Brown!)

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Taskmaster (Real Name: Anthony Masters! An Assassin employed by Hydra! Can copy the fighting styles of other heroes! Voiced by Clancy Brown!)

Deadpool: Oh come on Tasky, can't we talk it through? I mean, our last date was horrible yes, but I'm better! You know that!!


Izuku: I think I've seen him before. WAIT, the Taskmaster! He can copy other fighting styles!

Deadpool: Except for me!!


Deadpool just takes out two big fish and slaps him in the face with them!!

Taskmaster: AGH! NOW WHERE ARE YOU?!

Deadpool appears and gives him a pie to the face, and it has dynamite!

Taskmaster: AAAAAAAAAGH!!!

He screams, as the rest of you just watch!

Katsuki: Okay, he's fun to watch at least. Yet still annoying. Yet-

Izuku: You need something to help you forget about it Kacha-

Katsuki: Deku, don't ruin the mood now. I'm enjoying this way too much.

AJ: Okay, I think I like him somewhat now.

Sunset: What was it that you couldn't stand Spidey?

Spidey: That he kills people.

Everyone: WHAT?!

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