Papi Lays an Egg!/Caught in a Spider's Web!

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Papi: OOOH!! What is this?! I can feel it coming out! 

Papi moans in pain, and several of the other residents of the Spider-Manor arrive to check up on her! 

Kyoka: Hey, Papi, you alright? 

Papi: I think I'm pregnant. 

Kyoka: HUH?! 

She puts her earphone jacks close to Papi's stomach, and she hears something. 


Felicia: WHAT THE?! (Y/N)?! 

(Y/N): Yeah? 

Adagio: Did you have sex with Papi? 


Aria: You do remember she acts way younger than her actual age right? 

Papi: But, I don't even know if the egg is for real or not. 

Sci-Twi: In other words, it's a- 

Mei: It's an unfertilized egg, a duh! Anyone knows that! 

Jean: So then, should we probably get you some warm pads or something? 

Papi: I think I'll b- 

The doorbell then rings. 

Pinkie then opens it. 

Pinkie: Hiya! 

Limestone: Pinkie, if they're trying t- 

???: Hello there ladies. Is the man of the house home? 

Pinkie: Yep! Hey (Y/N), this stranger wants to talk to you! 

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Pinkie: Yep! Hey (Y/N), this stranger wants to talk to you! 

You then go over. 

(Y/N): Yes? 

Filmer: I'm Kasegi of the Interspecies Cultural Exchange Program, and I heard about the bird lady of the house is going to give birth. 

Maud: How do you even know that? Don't you think that this man is just trying to rip us off? 

Kasegi: Me? Of course not! I'm an  honest man! 

Marble: What are you going to do? 

Kasegi: I must interview the ladies of the house! 

Carol then appears. 

Carol: Are you sure about- 

Kasegi: I mean the demi-human ones! 

Soon .... 

He interviews Cerea, Miia, and Mero, and asks if they usually wear underwear, freaking them out. You on the other hand are about to ask him about the egg, and well, before you could- 

A bunch of webs appear, and you are taken elsewhere!

Upon waking up ....

You find yourself in an abandoned warehouse. 

(Y/N): Uh ... what's with these webs?! HEY, GWEN IS THIS A PRANK?! FLASH?! NOT FUNNY DUDE!! 

Though the webs are normal white ones, and not black ones. 

(Y/N): Okay, at least, this isn't Carnage. Or Eddie for tha- 

???: My my, you're quite the sight. 

A spider woman then descends above you. 

Rachnera Arachnera (Hot Ass Spider Lady! Spins webs out of her butt to get skinnier! Loves flirting! Gets drunk on coffee! Voiced by Courtney Lomelo!) 

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Rachnera Arachnera (Hot Ass Spider Lady! Spins webs out of her butt to get skinnier! Loves flirting! Gets drunk on coffee! Voiced by Courtney Lomelo!) 

(Y/N): Uh ... hello there Ms. Spider L- 

Rachnera: I'm Rachnera Arachnera Hot Stuff. Or maybe, no, Honey suits you better. 

She then begins caressing your face and giggling. 

(Y/N): You're the interesting one. So, why a- 

Rachnera: I want you inside of me. That, and I think I know why some humans are decent. Because there are really good ones like you out there. And plus, I know who you are, Spidey. 

(Y/N): HUH?! 

Rachnera: I'm a Spider-Woman, and you're Spider-Man. So, in other words, we're made f- 

At that moment, a whole bunch of SHIELD Agents burst in with Maria, White Cat, Barbara, and even Smith appearing! 


Aya: (Y/N) are you alright? 

(Y/N): Yeah, she's fine though. She didn't try to hurt me. 

Rachnera: Hello there ladies. 

Smith: Rachnera. I've been looking for you everywhere. 

Rachnera: Oh, you going to punish me now Ms. Smith? 

Smith: Actually, I've got a better idea. 

Soon ... 

Before Kasegi could even think about filming Papi, Suu puts one of her body pieces on his head. 

Suu: "Stupid idiots, they don't even know I'm going to sell this egg on the black Martket! Oh just thinking about it makes me giddy for all the m- 

The girls glare at him. 

Kasegi: Uh ... I can explain. 

They then kick him out of the house and send him blasting off Team Rocket Style!!

Soon ... 

All of you begin to watch as Papi lays the egg, and- 

Pinkie: Hey, I guess it was a dud after all!

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