Red Head Detention!

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Nick Fury had now sent out both Hawkeye and Natasha on another assignment, and well, some of your teammates were helping Tony clean up the tower after the Mandarin and Killian's takeover. 

So, you called for Sunset, Katsuki, and Mina to go along with you. 


Spidey: I'm no more excited as you are Katsuki. 

Sunset: Well, let's go kick some Nazi ass like last time! 


And so... 

Turns out that HYDRA had now set their base deep below the Empire State Building! 

And it seemed as if there was a certain claw-wielding mutant who had just made an entrance. 

Natasha: Something tells me that Wolverine was here. 

Katsuki: No shit shelock. 

Spidey: Why did he even show up? Just to cause an entrance?

Sunset: Beats me. You can never really tell what he's thinking. 

You guys rush on in and begin beating up any Hydra Goons in the way! 

Mina: Ha! Man, this is easy! This is just as good as the last time that this happened! 

Good thing that the security wasn't so hard to get past either! 

Eventually ... 

You guys head into a lab where Red Skull is conversing with Arnim Zola, Baron Strucker, and Viper! Loki is also with them, as well as Chrysalis, and some of the Inner League of Demons! 

Zola: What? We have been intruded? 

Red Skull: Who is it this time Arnim? 

Zola checks the security cameras and the scientist spots Captain America on the cameras. 

Zola: It is Captain Rogers. 

Red Skull: Not this again. Let's go then. 

Strucker and Viper: Agreed Leader! HAIL HYDRA! 

They then leave. 

Mina: Looks like we've got our villains! Let's- 

Before you guys could even continue, several Hydra soldiers come in with weapons. 

Sunset: Shit. 

Though at that moment, they are soon burned by a heated man! 

It's Johnny Storm, the Human Torch! 

Johnny: Hey, guys, need a hand? 

Sunset: Johnny? 

Katsuki: Who's this idiot? 

Johnny: Idiot?! I'M JOHNNY STORM! YOU KNOW, THE HUMAN TORCH!! I'M PART OF THE FANTASTIC FOUR!!! My sister is the Invisible Woman. You know. 

Katsuki: Never heard of you. 

Johnny gets a little depressed. 

Hawkeye: Come on Flame Head, no time to get depressed. 

Later ... 

After you guys made your way through several traps, including laser blasters, and an entire room filled with missiles. 

Mina: Sheesh, how many missiles do these guys need? 

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