Pink Skinned Ladies with Bubbly Personalities!

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You, Pinkie, and Mina arrive in the mansion kitchen!

And well, the two of them look very ecstatic to be participating in this!!

Mina: Alright! Let's do this! You ready Pinkie?!

Pinkie: You know it Mina!!

(Y/N): You both really sure that you want to go through with this?

Pinkie: Yep!

Mina: Ready as we'll ever be!!

Pinkie was wearing a white shirt with a pink heart and a blue skirt with balloon images! She was barefoot and had light blue nail polish.

Mina on the other hand had a yellow t-shirt with the word "Hero" on it, and beige shorts. She was also barefoot and had light blue nail polish like Pinkie!

They were both also wearing aprons that had the words, "Kiss the Cook" on them.

(Y/N): Okay! Let's do it then!!

Pinkie and Mina begin looking at the recipes and then they start prepping their dishes for all the various sweets to be prepared!

After a couple of minutes...

The two finish with the first dish!

The two finish with the first dish!

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Pinkie: TA DA! Apple Pie!

Mina: Enjoy Honey Bunch!

You first try a slice of Mina's and then a slice of Pinkie's.

(Y/N): Hmm ... Mina, you use too much sugar in yours.

Mina: I do? Aw man!

(Y/N): It's still good though, I don't have anything to really complain about. But, Pinkie's is better.

Pinkie: YAY!!!

Next dish!

Pinkie and Mina shake hands and now go to prepare the next dish!!

And then after enough throwing ingredients into the bowl and mixing them, they finally finish!

And then after enough throwing ingredients into the bowl and mixing them, they finally finish!

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Mina: Now we have cheesecake, Oreo Cheesecake to be precise!

(Y/N): Alright, let's do it!

You eat one piece from Pinkie's and then go to Mina's!

(Y/N): I like Mina's better!

Pinkie: WHAT?!


Pinkie: Aw man!

(Y/N): Oh don't worry, I know how to make it up to you two!

Pinkie: How?

Mina: Oh I think I know what we're going to do now!

Soon ...

All three of you are snuggled up in bed and eating all the sweets together!

Pinkie: Wow! This is so much better!

Mina: Indeed! So easy, so sweet, and so satisfying!

They both kiss you on your cheeks, and you feel the taste of whipped cream.

(Y/N): You girls are so cute! Love you both!!

Mina and Pinkie: We love you too!!

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