Evil Love!

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You walk over to see Chrysalis, Mystique, Ophelia (Viper's Real Name!), and Himiko all waiting for you! 

(Y/N): Hello there bad girls! 

Ophelia: Bad? You really think we're bad? 

Chrysalis: Darling, we're just made that way. 

Mystique: Yeah. 

Himiko: So, what are we going to do? 

(Y/N): I'm just going to spoil the crap out of both of you, and we make love! 

Bad Girls: OH YES!!! 

They change out of their traditional outfits, and reveal new ones! 

Chrysalis is wearing a green and black dress with many spider web designs on them, and she's barefeet with green nail polish. 

Mystique is wearing a black tanktop, and light grey skirt. Like Chrysalis she is barefeet with black nail polish. 

Ophelia was wearing a green dress with black skull design on it, she was barefoot with green nail polish. 

Finally, Himiko was wearing well, this- 

Finally, Himiko was wearing well, this- 

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Himiko: Well, how do I look? 

Your mouth goes agape. 

(Y/N): You're beautiful Himiko. That's what you are. 

She blows a kiss at you and giggles! 

Himiko: Thanks (Y/N)! You're a great boyfriend!!!

She then begins to kiss you everywhere!!!

(Y/N): Okay, I'll just go and make sure that you ladies enjoy yourselves. 

You take off in a hurry, and begin searching for something for the ladies to eat!!!


You return with a big cake and a whole tub of ice cream!

You return with a big cake and a whole tub of ice cream!

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Himiko begins to lick the ice cream in a sexy manner. 

As for Chrysalis, Ophelia, and Mystique, they just eat the cake in a sexy manner, and then begin feeding it to you through mouth to mouth!! 

(Y/N): Girls I- 

They continue feeding you over and over, and you decide to feed them when you manage to get the chance!

Later ...

You lie the girls down and begin rubbing their feet, they just wink at you, and blow more kisses at you. 

You on the other hand have a face filled with kiss marks! 

Chrysalis, Himiko, Mystique, and Ophelia: We love you (Y/N)! 

(Y/N): I love you girls too, even with your faults!!

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