ch.4: feelings come to light

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At school Ava and Amanda are at Ava's locker Amanda is facing the hallway

'So it's your turn' Amanda says, with a smirk

'Carp I forgot, remind me to do it later on' Ava says

'Yeah of course' Amanda says

'You ok? you seem stressed out?' Ava asks

'No, my dad had one of his spells last night' Amanda says

'Oh my god, is he ok?' Ava asks

'He's in the hospital, to motor him just in case something happens to him, that's where I'll be at the hospital all night if you need me then I'll be there' Amanda says

'I think that Claire will understand if i cancel our studying plans for tonight' Ava says

'No, you need all the study time with her so you can get your grade back up in history' Amanda says

'Yeah but I don't want you to be at the hospital all by yourself' Ava says

'What's going on?' Savannah asks, her and Claire walks up to them, they both looks at them, Amanda tells them

'Well after our studying session we can swing by and visit you, if its ok with you Ava?' Claire asks

'Yeah, that will be fine' Ava says, Claire smiles

'Well in the meantime I can go with you' Savannah says, Amanda's heart starts racing fast

'Um yeah sure, that would be great, thank you' Amanda says, Savannah smiles

'No problem' Savannah says, then the bell rings

'Lets go learn about cutting up a dead fog' Savannah says, sarcastically

her and Claire leaves first then Ava looks at Amanda and they both starts laughing then they follow them to science class


At Ava's house her and Claire are in her room studying math Ava looks at Claire

'Can I asked you something, its not math related but it's pretty important' Ava says

'Yeah, go ahead' Claire says

'Do you still have that rule about not dating friends in friend groups still?' Ava asks

'Um no i don't it only lasted a week until me and Abby kissed for new years' Claire says

'Oh, so did you guys date after that or no?' Ava asks

'More like a fling' Claire says

'Ah' Ava says

'Why did you ask me that?' Claire asks, confused

'Because somebody in our friends group has a crush on you' Ava says, then it finally hits Claire

'Oh you do?' Claire asks

'Yeah, but i was afraid to tell you though' Ava says

'Take Amanda's advice, you never know what might happen' Claire says

'we had a deal if she made up with Savannah i would tell you how i feel about you, she was going to make up with her anyway she just had to box her into a corner, I'm sorry' Ava says

'Actually that's something that Savannah would do, so I can't be mad at that because if I'm mad Savannah then technically I'm mad at you and I don't want to be' Claire says

'Thank god' Ava says, without thinking she just kisses Claire on the lips, now Ava realizes what she is doing and pulls away

'Oh my god, Claire I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that...' Ava starts saying, before Claire cuts her off by kissing her, she puts her forehead on Ava's forehead

'Don't ever apologized for kissing me, you have my permission to do that whenever you have the urge to, ok?' Claire asks

'Yeah, does this mean you're ready to date, i understand if you need more time to heal and grieve' Ava says

'Yeah, I am, Now I can thank God' Claire says, Ava chuckles and Claire kisses her


At the hospital Amanda is sitting outside on a bench then Savannah walks up to her and sits down beside her

'Hey' Savannah says

'Hey' Amanda says

'Any update yet on your dad?' Savannah asks

'Nope' Amanda says

'Damn' Savannah says, she looks down and sees that Amanda is picking at her finger nails she does that when she's nervous

'Why are you nervous for?' Savannah asks

'A lot of things at the moment' Amanda says

'Ok like what?' Savannah asks

'Like how the hell am i going to go without my dad by myself, i know i have my mom but you and Claire has two parents, Ava will have two parents, and I'll have...' Amanda starts saying, before Savannah kisses her, Amanda looks at her in shock

'Good that shut you up' Savannah says

'Why did you do that for? Not that I'm mad or anything, what about Abby?' Amanda asks, Savannah smiles

'I had a dream at first it was me and Abby holding hands, kissing all of that stuff, then when I opened my eyes from kissing her it was you that I was kissing not Abby, I think I'm ready to date again and Abby knows that because she hasn't thrown anything yet in my house' Savannah says, Amanda laughs

'Are you sure?' Amanda asks, Savannah smiles and takes her right hand and holds it in her left hand, she looks at Amanda

'Yeah I am, Lets stop doing this dance with each other and just start dating because if there's one I learn from Abby's death is that life is too short, let's do the things that we want to, let's date the people we want to and don't worried about things until they happened let's just enjoy life as we should, so I'm welling to give us a chance too' Savannah says, Amanda smiles

'Can I kiss you?' Amanda asks, Savannah smiles

'Of course you can' Savannah says, Amanda smiles and kisses her, they both put their foreheads together and smiles

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