ch.30: Savannah's panic attack

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A couple of days later Savannah is sitting on the hospital bed all dress in normal clothes waiting for Mona and Aria to sign the realise papers then Amanda walks in Savannah looks at her and smiles

'Hey' Savannah says, Amanda smiles

'Hey' Amanda says, she walks up to her and kisses her, she sits down in front of her

'You ready to get the Hell out of here' Amanda says, Savannah chuckles

'Yeah I am' Savannah says

'How do you feel?' Amanda asks

'Thank God I'm out of that coma' Savannah says, Amanda smiles

'Me too, um I know that you just got out of a coma but I need a favor this Friday' Amanda says, she chuckles nervous

'Sounds serious because you're chuckling nervously, so what is it?' Savannah asks

'My mom meant this guy he's the handyman around the neighborhood, my mom and him wants dinner with me this Friday, since I'm going to be fucking nervous as hell being there by myself, do you that you can come with us ,I already talk to my mom and your moms about it they are fine with it but they said that it's up to you, if you want to come with us or not?' Amanda says, Savannah smiles

'Yeah if course I don't mind coming at all to calm your nerves down' Savannah says, Amanda smiles

'Thank you but you have to come over early and help me with my makeup too?' Amanda asks, Savannah smiles

'Yeah of course and I can change at your place, what color of dress are you wearing?' Savannah asks

'Black' Amanda says

'Ok I do have a black dress I don't wear white because if you spill something on it, it shows obviously' Savannah says

'True' Amanda says

'When I was in my coma I had this dream but I knew that I was half awake and asleep but I had a dream that i was in the army then I had another dream about becoming a nurse, don't worry I'm not joining the army because I don't want to have PTDS, I was considering becoming a nurse but just like in the army nurses suffers from PTSD too because they see what seriously injuries looks like' Savannah says

'What do you want to do then?' Amanda asks

'I want to go to college to become a licence cosmetologist' Savannah says, Amanda smiles

'I can see you doing that' Amanda says

'What about you?, what do want to do?' Savannah asks

'I honestly don't know yet, I want to be a professional softball player but I don't know if something I'm going to be passionate about after high school is over with' Amanda says

'Yeah, I feel the same way too about cosmetology, it's still early in high school to decide what we want to do still' Savannah says

'Yeah it is' Amanda says, then Aria and Mona walks in, they look at them

'Hey, am i free to go or what?' Savannah says , they laugh

'Yeah you can but they want to get some more blood from you and look it over to double check to make sure that you're ok, if not then they want you to come back but in the meantime you can go home' Mona says

'I actually gotta get to work unfortunately but I'll call you later' Amanda says, she gets up and kisses Savannah

'Ok, I'll talk to you later' Savannah says

As Amanda leaves she smiles at Aria and Mona they smile back Amanda leaves and Savannah looks sad because Amanda left Mona and Aria looks at her

'Hey Sava you ok?' Aria asks, they walk up to her

'Yeah, it's just when I was in my coma I realized how much important she is to me and I hate to see her leave for anything because I feel like that's the last time I might see her alive' Savannah says, she starts to have a panic attack

'NURSE!?' Aria yells, she runs in

'She's having a panic attack' Aria says

So most of the nurses gets Savannah calm down enough to be to get some blood and go home


Mona told Amanda about Savannah's panic attack so Amanda asked if it was ok to come over after work for a little bit before dinner to see and talk to Savannah, Mona and Aria were fine with that

Later that night Savannah is laying down on her bed listening to music through her headphones eyes closed the Amanda walks in and she walks up to Savannah she puts her hand gently on Savannah's left arm to not to scare her Savannah opens her eyes and Amanda smiles, Savannah Takes out her headphones

'Hey' Amanda says, she sits down beside her

'Hey' Savannah says, she puts pauses her music and puts her phone beside her

'Not that i don't like having you here or love this surprise visit but I thought that you was going to call me' Savannah says, Amanda chuckles

'That was until Mona told me about your panic attack and why it happened' Amanda says, Savannah turns her to the sad and wipes her tears away

'Aw babe I don't want you to feel embarrassed about this' Amanda says

Savannah always had a hard time expressing her feelings the right way that's why she leashes out some times but with Amanda it comes easy with her to express her feelings with Amanda, Savannah looks at her

'No I'm not embarrassed about it, it's just ever since i was put in that coma all I thought about was you and yes my family and friends too but mostly you and I had the panic attack because I kept thinking about that would be the last time I see you alive and I don't want to think like that but since i was put in that coma that's all I think about is death and I don't want to like i did when we all thought that Abby was dead' Savannah says

'I can understand that because I thought the same way like you do when my dad died all I thought about was when is it my turn to leave and ever come back, I wasn't on planning on killing myself but just thinking ahead into the future, like when somebody asks if want to know when you die or not, that type of thing' Amanda says

'So it's normal to think about death when something traumatic happens to you?' Savannah asks

'Yeah it is, but don't think about death all the time about yourself dying because that's a sign of suicide' Amanda says

'Right, and I'm not having those types of thoughts yet, I say yet because I don't know where my mind Will go to, but if i do you or Claire or my moms will be the first ones to know if gets that far, i know that it won't but you never know about your mind some times' Savannah says

'Right, your mind can be good and bad a place some times too' Amanda says

'Right' Savannah says

'Will if this makes you feel any better if I can help it I'm not going anywhere any time soon' Amanda says, Savannah smiles

'I'm glad to head that because I'm not going anywhere any time soon either' Savannah says

'Looks like we're stuck with each other for awhile huh?' Amanda asks, Savannah smiles

'I wouldn't have it any other way' Savannah says, Amanda smiles and kisses her, they hug, then Aria walks in

'Hey Amanda do want to stay for dinner?' Aria asks

'Um yeah sure I can do that, just let me text my mom real quick' Amanda says

'Mona already did that and your mom is ok with it, come on dinner is ready' Aria says, she leaves

'I have to get up?' Savannah asks, Amanda gets up and grabs Savannah's left hand

'Come on' Amanda says

she pulls Savannah's hand, Savannah grabs her and Savannah groans Amanda chuckles and they go down stairs for dinner

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