ch. 28: the favor

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Jessica is at her locker with her crew locker then Abby walks up to her

'Hey can I talk to you alone please?' Abby asks Jessica

'I'll see you guys later' Jessica says to her crew, they obey orders and leaves, Jessica looks at Abby

'What's up?' Jessica asks

'Since you guys are doing this for us, I remember when we was dating that I own you a favor, so what kind of favor do you want from me' Abby says, Jessica chuckles, Abby looks at her confused

'What are you laughing about?' Abby asks

'I honestly forgot about it until now, I can't believe you remember that, you're really serious about this aren't you?' Jessica asks

'Well you did help out a lot last year and I thought that i could return the favor' Abby says, Jessica smiles

'I'll think about it and get back to you on it' Jessica says

'Ok, just one last question and I'll leave you alone for the rest of the day because I know it might ruin your street cred' Abby says, Jessica chuckles

'Don't worry about that anymore because I'm not people know what I'm capable of by now' Jessica says

'Are we friends?, just me and you, not you and others yet?' Abby asks, Jessica smiles

'Of course you are, um are you busy tonight I would love to talk to you like we always did before your 'death', if Tiffany is ok with it' Jessica says

'I don't think she would mind but I'll tell her and let you, number still the same?' Abby asks

'No unfortunately I had to get a new number because some cop issues, can i see your phone please?' Jessica asks

'Sure' Abby says, she hands to Jessica and she puts in her number in and hands it back to Abby

'Thanks, I'll text you later and see what she says' Abby says

'You're welcome, and ok' Jessica says

Abby hugs her then leaves, Jessica smiles and then shuts her locker door and leaves


Later that night Abby told Tiffany that Jessica wants to come over just to talk like they use to do before her 'death' and Tiffany can understand that so she's ok with it

Abby is sitting on one end of the couch and Jessica at the other end of the couch

'I wanted to talk here instead of my locker but you know too many ears' Jessica says, Abby chuckles

'That is true' Abby says

'I can understand why the others don't want to be friends with me just yet because of what we did to them, when I say we i mean me and my crew, not you and Me, so it's going to take a long time to trust us yet' Jessica says

'Yeah, it is, it's not that your a bad person, it's your temper that gets the best of you become you worry about what others say about you that's why you act like a tough person and have a crew now, you do have a soft side that you only show to certain people like me for example and I'm not saying that you have to show them your soft side but just prove to them that you can be trust them I know that you don't have to prove anybody that you can be trusted but i Know that you are, we have been best friends since pre-k, or at least we use to be, we just went our separate ways as we got older but if I trust you then I think that they can be trust you too' Abby says, Jessica smiles

'Yeah, I get everything that you just said but i think that we are still friends, whenever we saw each other we always act friendly towards each other, i think that we have to be rebuild our friendship' Jessica says

'I agree with you on that one' Abby says

'You know Tiffany is lucky to have you as a girlfriend because I know that you will always treat her right like you did with me and Savannah' Jessica says, Abby smiles

'Thanks Jess' Abby says

'You're welcome Abby' Jessica says, they both smiles at each other


At Amanda's house Tiffany is there and all of them are in the living room

'How the pregnancy Hailey?' Tiffany asks

'Its good so far, we're going to do the gender reveal party in Amanda's backyard' Hailey says

'When's that going to be?' Tiffany asks

'Whenever they are not too chicken enough to ask my mom' Amanda says, they laugh

'Where's Abby at?' Hailey asks

'At the cabin talking to Jessica' Tiffany says

'You left her alone with Jessica?' Brittany asks

'I trust Abby ok, Jessica I'm not so sure about' Tiffany says

'I don't know but i feel like i can trust her because I have seen how she is around Abby and they have been best friends since pre-k, so if Abby can trust her, i think that we should too, Jessica isn't going to do anything that would make Abby uncomfortable' Hailey says

'She does have a point' Amanda says

'I think it just takes time for us to trust her I guess' Tiffany says, they agree to that


Back at the cabin Tiffany walks in and they look at her

'Hey babe' Abby says

'Hey' Tiffany says

Abby gets up and walks up to her, she kisses her and hugs her, Jessica gets up

'I'm going to leave now it's getting late, thanks for talking with me Abby' Jessica says, Abby looks at her

'Ok, you're welcome any time you that' Abby says, she walks up to her and hugs her

'Goodnight guys' Jessica says

'Goodnight' they both says

Jessica leaves, Abby shuts the inside door and looks at Tiffany

'So how is everybody over at Amanda's?' Abby asks

'It was good actually, they actually missed you, baby is going good and they are going to have a gender reveal party in the backyard as soon as they ask Amanda's mom first' Tiffany says

'Good luck with that' Abby says

'How did things went here?' Tiffany asks

'Good, as I expected' Abby says

'Good' Tiffany says, Abby walks up to her and wraps her arms around Tiffany's neck

'But you're still my number one girl' Abby says, Tiffany smiles

'Good' Tiffany says, Abby smiles and kisses her

Then they head to the bedroom and has sex

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