ch. 20: family emergency! 🏨

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It's in the middle of the night Savannah got up to use the the bathroom she walks in and sees Claire on the floor she walks up to her and bends down beside her

'Claire?, Claire?, Claire wake up?' Savannah says, Claire isn't responding

Now Savannah is starting to worry and panics she runs out and runs into Aria's and Mona's room

'Moms!?' Savannah screams, in panic

Savannah runs up to Mona and starts shaking which finally wakes her up and looks at Savannah

'What is it Sava, it's 2:30am in the morning, go back to bed' Mona says, she lays back down

'Ok, fine, let's all go back to bed while Claire is dying on the bathroom floor!' Savannah screams, as she leaves Mona sits up

'Wait, what?' Mona asks, Savannah stops and turns around

'I went to the bathroom and found Claire on the bathroom floor pass out when I try to wake her up she didn't respond' Savannah says

'Oh my god, go back to the bathroom and try to wake her up again, we'll be there in a few minutes' Mona says

'Ok' Savannah says

she leaves the room, Mona gets up and picks up her pillow she hits Aria with it

'Babe wake up Claire is on the bathroom floor pass out and she's not responding to Savannah' Mona says, Aria sits

'What the hell babe!?' Aria asks, Mona Points her at her

'If you want to ever have sex with me again, you better get up right and come with me to the bathroom and check on your daughter who's pass out on the floor and isn't responding to Savannah' Mona says, in a threatening way

'Coming dear' Aria says, she gets up and Mona turns around and runs into her nightstands

'Damn it' Mona says, Aria laughs, Mona looks at her

'Keep laughing Montgomery, just keep laughing' Mona says, Aria leaves

'That's what I thought, who the hell pur that?' Mona says, she leaves by limping


They get to the bathroom and Claire is sitting up now with Savannah bending down in front of her

'Hey, what happened?' Aria asks, they walk up to them

'I was having bad cramps came in here put a pad on then after I pulled my pants back up I felt myself falling down and then I woke up to Sava waking me up' Claire says

'I'll get you some water' Aria says

'Sprite actually please' Claire says

'Ok' Aria says, she leaves, Mona bends down in front of her

'You think we should go to the hospital and check to see if you have a concussion, I'm surprised nobody heard you hit the floor' Mona says

'Ift would be best if you go just be on the safe side because just like me, we thought that I was fine when I fell off the bike and then I had a seizure during dinner later that night' Savannah says

'Yeah let's go, better safe then sorry' Claire says, Savannah helps her up, then Aria walks in and hands her the sprite

'We're going to the hospital just in case she suffer a concussion, we don't want her to have a seizure like Sava did' Mona says

'Yeah, that's probably best' Aria says, so they all goes to the hospital


Claire is getting check out in the back and everybody else is sitting in the waiting room then Mona walks up to Savannah and Aria

'I just called the school and left a message saying that you and Claire aren't coming in today because of a family emergency' Mona says

'That sounds right to me they should believe it' Aria says, Mona sits down beside Aria

'I texted Ava and Amanda about what is going on so they should get it when they wake up' Savannah says

'Good' Mona says, then the doctor walks up to them

'Everything came back normal no concussion so far, we're going to keep her for forty-eight hours just in case   a concussion does show up in between those days' the doctor says

'Ok thank you doctor' Mona says

'Seeing how close you guys are and that Claire is minor,   you guys can stay here until she's ready to go home, we have a floor above us that our guest rooms just in case stuff like this or something more serious happens the families are close by, again it's totally up to you guys, you guys can come and go whenever you would like to, visit Claire whenever you guys want too' the doctor says

'What do you guys think?' Mona asks

'I don't think a couple of days wouldn't hurt, Sava?' Aria asks

'I'm still a minor so I have to go wherever you guys go, besides i want to be here for Claire too' Savannah says, Aria and Mona smiles

'Um can we see Claire?' Mona asks

'Of course, I'll go set up a guest room for you guys' the doctor says, they get up and goes sees Claire


They walk in Claire's room, Claire looks at them and smiles

'Hey' Claire says, Mona walks up to her and kisses her then she hugs her, so does Aria and Savannah

'Do I have a concussion or not?, they can't tell me unless a parent is in the room' Claire says

'Everything came back normal no concussion so far, but they are going to keep you for forty-eight hours just in you do get one' Aria says

'But all of us are going to be right here in this hospital in the guest bedrooms upstairs, hello upgrade' Mona says, they laugh

'Did you tell Amanda?' Claire asks

'Yeah I did an Ava too, they probably will see it when they wake up' Savannah says, Claire smiles, then there is a knock on the door and the doctor walks in

'Ok you guys will be staying in room three, you guys can go home get a couple of clothes for the next two nights and then come back, I called the school telling Claire won't be there for a couple of days' the doctor says

'Ok thank you doctor' Mona says

'I'll let you guys spend some time with Claire' the doctor says, he smiles and leaves

'I hate that I have to be in here by myself at night' Claire says

'Well that bed looks big enough for the both of us, I can talk to the doctor and see if I can stay with you, let Sava and your mama take the guest bedroom' Mona says, Claire smiles

'Yeah that would be good' Claire says

'I'll be right back then' Mona says, she leaves

'Thanks Sava for finding me when you did it could have been worse' Claire says, Savannah smiles and walks up to her kisses her on the head, Aria smiles at that interaction

'You're welcome' Savannah says

So the doctor let Mona stay with Claire, Savannah and Aria will be staying in the guest bedroom

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