ch.13: somebody's drinking

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Claire and Savannah are in Claire's room just got back from meeting Ava and Amanda at the tree house then Aria and Mona walks in, Aria is holding a bottle of whiskey

'If you're trying to trick us into drinking and spilling our secrets, you guys gotta do better then that' Claire says, they laugh

'Funny but this isn't a laughing matter your mom had noticed that some of alcohol drinks has been slowly getting lower everyday, i hate to say this but which one of you guys has been drinking your moms liquor' Mona says

'It wasn't any of us, i know that we some times do stupid stuff but not drinking your liquor mom' Claire says, Savannah starts thinking

'Wait a minute' Savannah says, everybody looks at her

'Can i see that bottle for a second, please mom?' Savannah asks, Aria looks Mona

'Go ahead' Mona says

Aria hands her the bottle and Savannah takes it opens it she smells it then hands it to Claire

'Smell it?' Savannah asks, Claire takes the bottle and smells it she looks at Savannah

'Oh my god, do you think that she was the one?' Claire asks

'Yeah, because the alcohol on her breath from earlier when we was talking' Savannah says

'Oh my god, but why though?' Claire asks

'I don't know' Savannah says, Aria and Mona looks at them confused

'Ok can you guys fill us in on what is going on here?' Aria asks, Savannah puts the cap back on and hands it to her Aria takes it

'Earlier today when me and Sava met up with Ava and Amanda, i kissed Amanda and she had this weird taste on her mouth as we was talking her breath smelled funny too, it like that whiskey' Savannah says

'Oh my god' Mona says

'And I think I know why too' Savannah says

'Whiskey was her dad's favorite alcohol drink right?' Claire asks

'Yeah, it was' Savannah says

'She wants to be closer to him' Mona says

'Yeah, she can be but not by drinking' Aria says

'Can you ask her to come home we want to talk to her' Mona says

'Yeah, sure' Savannah says

'Thanks' Aria says

'Yup' Savannah says, she calls Amanda, Mona and Aria goes down stairs


They walk in the dining room

'Are you sure, you didn't drink any of it recently?' Mona asks, Aria puts the bottle on the table

'No, the last time i had drink out of this bottle, was a couple of weeks ago, it was halfway full, now it's almost gone' Aria says

'Damn, what do we do if she drink some of it?' Mona asks

'Well we can't ground her but we have to tell Kelly it's the only responsible thing to do' Aria says

'Yeah, i don't want to because she's been through so much these past couple of years now between Abby's death last year and her dad's death a month ago, i don't know how much more she can take' Mona says

'I already told my mom about me drinking your whiskey' Amanda says, they look at her and Ava is standing beside her

'She said when she gets back I'll be grounded for two weeks' Amanda says, she walks up to them

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