ch. 33: ghost investigation? 👻

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Mona and Aria are in the kitchen laughing then Savannah walks in the front door with a ice pack on her left cheek she shuts the door Mona and Aria hears the front door shut they walk out of the kitchen and sees Savannah

'Hey' Savannah says

'Hey, what happened?' Mona asks, Savannah hands her a piece of paper

'It will explain it better then I will' Savannah says, Mona opens it and reads it, Aria reads it over Mona'shoulder

'She wasn't in a fight which is good, but two other students was and one of them accidentally hit her, she will stay home for a couple of days on bed rest due to her recent hietory of bring in a coma' Mona says

'Come on let's go get settled in, how do you feel?' Aria asks, she takes Savannah's book bag, they head upstairs

'The nurse said I had no concussion but told me to tell you guys to keep an eye on me for the next couple of days' Savannah says, they walk in Savannah's room

'Well you're mama will be home until further noticed, so she'll be with you until i come home' Mona says, Savannah sits down on her bed

'Claire is fine just shaken up a little bit because when I got hit I got knock out cold because I wasn't moving will if you get hit by a guy you will, anyways don't be surprised if you guys get a phone call because she was shaking really bad' Savannah says, then Mona's phone rings she looks at it

'It's the school' Mona says, she answers it

'Hello, yes it is, yeah Savannah just told us about that, ok I'll be right down to get her, thank you bye' Mona says, she hangs up

'She's still shaking badly, I'm going to go and get her, can you stay here with her' Mona says

'Yeah, of course, go' Aria says

'Alright I'll be right back' Mona says, she kisses them and leaves


So Mona and Claire gets home they walk in Savannah's room and Claire immediately runs up to Savannah and hugs her

'Ok, I'm fine kid, really I am' Savannah says

Aria smiles, her and Mona leaves to let them have their moment, Claire stops hugging her

'Sorry I just want to make sure that you're real' Claire says, Savannah smiles

'I am, i Just have to be on bed rest for a couple of days due to my recent history at the party because I was in a coma and make sure that i don't have a concussion' Savannah says

'Oh man, what about Amanda?' Claire asks

'I told her that I'm fine and I'll give an update now and then' Savannah says

'Ok, will I'll give you some rest and I'll go talk to moms' Claire says

'Ok thank you' Savannah says

Claire smiles at her then leaves Savannah lays down and closes her eyes


Aria and Mona are in their room, Aria is sitting on their bed and Mona is standing in front of the dresser then Claire stands in the doorway

'Do you want to press changers it was an accident though?' Aria asks

'Nah like you said it was an accident' Mona says, Aria looks at the doorway and sees Claire standing there

'Hey kid, what's up?' Aria asks

'Mind if I come in?' Claire asks

'No not at all come on in love' Mona says, Claire walks in and Mona sits down beside Aria, Claire stands in front of them

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