ch.17: second misunderstanding

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Savannah comes home from school she gets a banana and a bottle of water and heads upstairs but once she gets to her parents room she hears moaning then Mona walks out

'Oh hey honey, I didn't know that you was home' Mona says, she straighten out her shirt, then Savannah hears the moaning again and realizes that Mona is watching shameless again

'Ooooooohhhhhhh!, you're watching shameless again, got it' Savannah says

she goes to her bedroom and Mona looks at her confused then follows her Savannah sits down on her bed then Mona walks in arms crossed

'Wait a minute, you think that I was cheating on your guys mama?' Mona asks

'If you was me standing outside your guys bedroom door and which is closed by the way, you would think the same thing that I was thinking too' Savannah says, Mona sits down in front of her

'Ok, I understand your position, but i can explain what really happened ok one I had the door shut because I wanted space us humans we all do want space some times, the moaning you heard was Kevin from shameless, you know that they have a sex scene ever five seconds, and the reason why i straighten out my shirt is because I was laying down on my stomach, you know that the tv is sitting on the dresser and i was laying on my stomach like me and mom does at night' Mona says, Savannah knows that she's right

'You're right about the space, I knew that the moaning sounded familiar but i just couldn't place it, I don't know why my brain went you to cheating on mama for, and you are right too because I do see you guys some times when the door is open laying on your guys stomachs either laughing or talking about what you guys saw on tv' Savannah says

'I think the reason why you're brain went there of you thinking that I was cheating on your guys mama was because when a marriage as long as ours is seven-teen years with the same person one of them attends to not get the same attention as they did before then they attend to find it somewhere else' Mona says

'I hope that doesn't happen to you guys' Savannah says, Mona smiles and hands Savannah's hands

'If our marriage does come up problems that we can't handle on our that would the same thing I do so well your guys mama too if she wants ever walk again' Mona asks, Savannah chuckles

'We will go to a marriage counseling first, you know that i wouldn't hurt you girls or your mama like that, I love you guys way too much to do that to you guys, same way with your mama' Mona says, Savannah smiles

'I guess I just needed a reminder because I don't about you guys but in school now days you hear kids saying that their parents getting divorced or like Hailey kids getting beat up by their parents for stupid stuff, not saying that Hailey getting pregnant was stupid, other things like parents drinking or drugs and so on' Savannah says

'It's interesting that you say that because me and your guys mama always wanted to have this hospital, not like the ones that you hear about like treating their patients badly but a place where kids can stay at just like you said if their parents are abusing them' Mona says

'That's actually a good idea' Savannah says, Mona smiles

'You ok now?' Mona asks, Savannah smiles

'Yeah I am, has mama told you when the trial is?' Savannah asks

'On Monday, why?' Aria asks, her and Claire walks in

'I was just wondering if Hailey's and Brittany's parents sign over their rights to Kelly yet?' Savannah asks, Aria and Claire walks up to them

'Yeah they did, that night when they beat them up' Aria says

'I guess they didn't care about their kids' Claire says

'Well they didn't really have a choice because there was a lot of evidence against them so either they sign they rights over to Kelly or Hailey and Brittany goes into foster care and could probably be split up until they are eight-teen' Aria says

'Now with this Tiffany situation nobody is out of the woods just yet, has she contact Brittany or you guys yet again?' Mona asks, they told told what was going on with them and Tiffany

'No but Brittany thinks that she might come some time next year maybe' Claire says

'Excuse my language but with all of this shit going on lately it's making mental health really bad' Savannah says

'Do you want us to contact Katie and see if we can get you appointment' Aria says

'Yeah, that would good, thanks guys' Savannah says, Mona smiles

'I'm going to get dinner started but call us if you need us' Mona says, Savannah smiles

'I will thanks' Savannah says, Mona kisses her on the cheek and so does Aria, they leave, Claire starts to leave

'Hey, can you stay please?' Savannah asks, in a sad voice, Claire stops and turns around she smiles and walks up to her she sits down beside Savannah


Later that night Mona and Aria are in their bathroom Mona is sitting on the counter and Aria is walking around

'So something interesting happened before you and Claire came home' Mona says

'Oh God, what now?' Aria asks

'It's serious actually' Mona says, Aria stops walking and looks at her and walks up to her

'Ok what happened?' Aria asks

'You know how I like to watch shameless with the door close because I need my me time right?' Mona asks

'Yeah' Aria says

'Well Savannah came home I didn't know because she usually texts me that she is, so when she got to our bedroom she heard moaning and there was a sex scene with Kevin and V so I walk out and was surprised to see her there I straighten out my shirt because I was laying on my stomach then she heard moaning again then she realized that I was watching shameless then she said oh, you're watching shameless got it and left I look at her confused because she thought that i was cheating on you' Mona says

'Well did you explain to her what really happened?' Aria asks

'Yeah, I follow her to her room told her what i told you' Mona says

'When you hear moaning coming from your parents room you immediately think the worse' Aria says

'Yeah, but like i told Sava, I wouldn't throw away a seven-teen year marriage and two kids to have sex with some stranger, I rather go to a marriage counseling then cheat' Mona says

'Right, I know how faithful you are and visa verse' Aria says, Mona smiles

'Good' Mona says

she puts her arms around Aria's neck, Aria stands in between Mona's legs and puts her arms around Mona's waist and they kiss

'I love you' Mona says, Aria smiles

'I love you too' Mona says, she smiles and kisses her

'I hate to cut this sweet moment short but we have to get ready for bed' Aria says, Mona groans

'Fine' Mona says, in annoyed voice, she gets down and They get ready for bed

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