ch. 9: good compliments

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It's the next morning everybody is in the kitchen but Savannah she's upstairs getting ready

'You guys look tired more then usual?' Ava asks

'Yeah, well i was crying my eyes out about my dad on the couch and Sava came down we talk and she apologized for what she said about last year in front of you guys she said that I was just being annoying In the moment not all the time because she just wanted spend time with Abby because she didn't get to spend time with her all week before that weekend, so we're good now and we are still friends' Amanda says, Ava smiles

'Well I'm good to hear that finally!' Ava says, in relieve, they laugh, Ava walks up to Amanda and hugs her

'Hey, do you guys mind if i go upstairs and talk to Sava real quick?' Ava asks

'Well it's going to take her a century to get ready, so mind as well' Aria says, they laugh, they look at Mona

'Yeah, sure go ahead, door stays open' Mona says

'Don't worry either one of us isn't ready for that just yet not for a long time' Ava says

'Good to know' Aria says

'Same here' Claire and Amanda says, at the same time, Ava goes upstairs

'Wait Sava is my girlfriend' Amanda says

'Oh yeah, Hell it's hard to keep up of who's dating who around here' Mona says, she drinks her coffee, they laugh


Savannah is sitting in front of her mirror putting on eye liner then Ava walks in

'Hey' Ava says, Savannah looks at her and smiles

'Hey' Savannah says, Ava walks up to her

'Amanda told me what happened between you guys last night' Ava says, Savannah smiles

'Yeah, i knew it was apology that had a long time coming' Savannah says

'I know, I'm just glad that my best friend and her girlfriend are still together after all of that' Ava says, Savannah smiles

'Yeah me too, other then you and Abby, Amanda holds a special place in my heart she's the sweetest person i have ever met in my life' Savannah says, Ava smiles

'Yeah she is the sweetest and selfless person that's probably why she makes this friend group have positive energy even when things gets bad' Ava says

'Yeah she does bring positive energy into this friend group' Savannah says

'So you guys wanna the threesome now in Sava's bed or after school' Amanda says, from standing beside Savannah's bed, they both looks at her and they chuckles

'But thank you guys for the compliments though' Amanda says, they both smiles

'Its true you do bring positive energy into this friend group even when things gets bad' Ava says, Amanda smiles and walks up to them she hugs them, then stops

'So am i in your guys good graces?' Savannah asks, Amanda and Ava looks at each other

'For right now yes, I hate to break up this sweet moment but we have to get going before we're late for school' Amanda says

'Well I'm done with my makeup I just need to put on some perfume on and I'll be good to go' Savannah says, so she does that and they leave


It's after school Claire is taking a re-take test because she got a 70% on the last test Mona and Aria rule is a 82% or higher, Ava is waiting for her in the hallway to get done with it and Claire doesn't know that so she walks out with her new grade and is surprised to see Ava standing beside the door and smiles

'Hey, this is a nice surprise, i thought you would be at our home by now but i don't mind that you stayed' Claire says, Ava smiles and kisses her

'So how did you do this time? Better or worse?' Ava asks, Claire looks at the grade

'Well I would say a 95% is a lot better then a 70%' Claire says, Ava smiles and takes the test and looks at it

'Wow you went from a C- to an A, what made you do so much better then the first time usual you pass on the first try' Ava says, Claire blushes

'Actually there is a reason why I didn't pass the first time is because I was thinking about you smiling the night before and during the test that made me distracted in a good way though' Claire says, Ava smiles

'I'm just getting all kinds of good compliments today' Ava says, she kisses Claire

'Who else give you good compliments?' Claire asks

'Somebody said that they like my outfit today' Amanda says, Claire chuckles

'Of course' Claire says, Ava smiles

'let's go home and show your moms the good news' Ava says, with a smile, Claire kisses her and they leave


They get back to Claire's and Savannah's house they walk in the kitchen where Mona and Aria are at Claire walks up to Aria smiling and hands her the test Aria looks at it, her eyes winded and looks at Mona

'She got a 95% on her re-take test' Aria says

'That's an A, congratulations love' Mona says, she walks up to her hugs and kisses her so does Aria

'Whoa what's with the love fest?' Savannah asks, as she and Amanda walks in the kitchen

'Your sister went from a 72% to a 95% on re-take test' Aria says

'Wow congrats dude' Savannah says, Claire smiles

'Thanks' Claire says

'Does this count as a celebration?' Savannah asks, Aria and Mona looks at each other

'What do you think?' Aria asks, everything has to go by Mona first in this household

'Ok is ten a little late?' Mona asks Aria

'Mmm if they can go to bed right at ten then no' Aria says

'Ok fine you guys can stay up until ten tonight' Mona says

'Yes!' Savannah and Claire says, at the same time and high fives, Amanda and Ava looks confused about what happening

'If they get a good grade on a test or a re-take test they get to stay up a little bit longer' Mona says

'Ah, gotcha' Ava says, So when it hit ten o'clock they immediately goes to bed

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