ch. 39: Mona's birthday

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It's Mona's birthday and Aria is the only one that remember it later that night Savannah and Claire walks in the kitchen and Mona is standing at the store and Aria is sitting at the counter

'Sorry that we're late' Claire says

'It's fine' Aria says, then Mona leaves and goes upstairs

'Is mom ok?' Savannah asks, Aria looks at them

'No she's not, today is her birthday and I'm the only one who remember it, all you guys do is hang out with Ava and Amanda don't get me wrong I get that you guys want to spend time with your guys girlfriends but when's the last time that you guys spend it with us' Aria says

'We didn't forget her birthday, ok we did but pretend to forget about it we was going to take her out to dinner and surprise her at the restaurant because that's where the the surprise party is at, we just thought that we would get here before she started cooking' Savannah says

'Yeah we're not that heartless' Claire says

'And that's where we was at all day today setting up' Savannah says

'Do you think that you can convince her to come?' Claire asks

'I didn't think that won't be hard to do' Aria says, she looks behind them, they turn around and Mona is standing there in tears

'Well now the cat is out of the bag' Savannah says, Mona smiles

'Don't worry I am a good actor' Mona says, Claire and Savannah smiles

'Happy birthday mom' they both says, Mona walks up to them and hugs them


At the restaurant they get there and everybody yelled surprise when they walked in all of Mona's family and friends are there

'I did honestly think that you guys forgot my birthday Mona says

'Do you think that we have a death wish?' Savannah asks

'Yeah I would like to stay at your guys house until college if you don't mind' Claire says, everybody laughs

'Don't worry you guys can stay as long as you guys want to or when we get tired of you guys mostly Savannah then we will kick you guys out' Mona says

'Hey!' Savannah says, everybody laughs

'But thank you everybody for this birthday party and enough of this mushy stuff and let's enjoy the rest of the party' Mona says, everybody cheers to that and they continue to enjoy the rest of the party


Later that night they get home while Mona is putting away all of the food that she was going to make for dinner Aria is sitting outside watching the stars then Savannah and Claire walks out Aria looks at them

'Hey' Aria says

'Hey' Claire says, they walk up to and sits in front of her

'You guys did a amazing job tonight with your mom's birthday party' Aria says, they smiles

'Thank you' they both says

'Listen we didn't want to bring this up at the party but did you really think that we spend too much time with Ava and Amanda?' Savannah asks

'In a way yes' Aria says

'Oh' Claire says, in a sad voice

'But I understand that you guys want to spend time with them but some times it's nice to take a break from each other now and then, and when you guys are with them you guys don't talk either you guys are watching TV or on your phones' Aria says

'It's official technology is taking over our lives' Savannah says

'I agree don't get me wrong I like technology but some times I wish we was growing up like in the 60s or 70s or so on' Claire says

'Yeah, at least back then we can appreciate it compare to now' Savannah says

'Now you guys are getting it' Aria says

'Get what?' Mona asks, she sits down beside Aria

'How to appreciate things' Aria says

'Ah' Mona says

'Now I can ask you this and you can't run it away from mom either' Claire says

'Uh-oh' Aria says

'Oh boy' Mona says

'Did you guys take a break from each other?' Claire asks

'Give me a minute, I'm thinking' Mona says, she starts thinking

'I mean not break up, I mean give each other space now and then' Claire says

'Oh that kind of break, um at the beginning no because we was in the honeymoon stage like you guys are we just wanted to be with each other but when college came around we started to let each other do our own thing hang out with other people without the other one because we trusted each other' Mona says

'Trust and communication are key to a healthy relationship' Aria says

'Why are you guys bringing this up for?' Mona asks

'Mom said that we spend too much time with Ava and Amanda and not together as a family' Savannah says

'I noticed it too but I didn't say anything because I know what it's like to be with the other person all the time' Mona says

'Oh maybe we should talk to them about us spending some time as a family because like mom said earlier too when was the last time that we did spend time together as a family' Claire says

'Last summer where we use to live at, a couple of days before school started here' Savannah says

'Damn you have a good memory' Mona says, they laugh

'Well I have a lot to think about I'm going to go take a shower, you wanna go first?' Claire asks Savannah

'No, you can' Savannah says

'Ok' Claire says, she gets up and goes inside

'Is she acting weird because of what I said?' Aria asks Savannah

'No, she's been like that all day' Savannah says

'We will wait until she's ready to come to us, in the meantime it's time to turn in' Mona says, she gets up

'Alright' Savannah says, they head inside and gets ready for bed

Mona and Aria didn't have birthday sex because they rented a cabin for the weekend so they are going to wait until then to fully celebrate Mona's birthday

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