ch.34: Hailey gives birth

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A couple of months later Everybody is having breakfast laughing and talking then Hailey and Brittany walks in, everybody looks at them

'Hey guys, thanks for knocking' Mona says

'I give them a copy of the house just in case Hailey goes into just in case nobody is at Amanda's house, she can come here' Aria says

'And plus they live up the street too so it's not too far for Hailey to get help' Savannah says

'Yeah i would want somebody close by too if i went into labor too' Mona says

'Mona what did it feel like when you was in labor?' Hailey asks, she sits down beside Claire

'Why how do you feel?' Mona asks

'If I had government secrets I'll start talking' Hailey says

'Show time' Mona says, she gets up and so does everybody else

'Wait Hailey you're only eight months pregnant?' Savannah asks, everybody looks at Hailey

'She wasn't two weeks pregnant when she find out that she was pregnant, at the time she was six weeks pregnant' Brittany says

'Which means you wasn't pregnant in March you were pregnant in January because February only has four weeks in the month' Savannah says

'Yeah' Brittany says

'Around your birthday too' Claire says

'Um hello! Pregnant woman in labor here!' Hailey says, getting everybody back on track

'Oh right sorry' Claire says

'Where's the diaper bag at?' Mona asks

'In Brittany's car, babe go get the bag please' Hailey says

'Got it' Brittany says, she goes gets it

'Come on lets get you to the hospital' Mona says

Mona and Aria helps her to the car Brittany has the diaper bag and they head to the hospital


They rush Hailey and Brittany to the delivery room while everybody is in the waiting room waiting on Kelly, Amanda and Everybody else to show up

'Hey, did we miss anything?' Kelly asks

'No, they just took them to the delivery room' Mona asks

'I thought Hailey was only eight months pregnant?' Ava asks, Savannah explains it to them

'Oh wow'Abby says

'I don't think that's the kind of birthday gift Brittany was looking forward too' Jessica says, Abby elbows her in the stomach and Jessica bends over and groans in pain

'All we can do is wait' Mona says, everybody sits down

About ten minutes later Mona starts laughing everybody looks at her like what is wrong with you

'Mom you ok over there?' Claire asks

'Yeah, I am it's just um I remember when I went into labor with Sava and Claire' Mona says

'Oh my god I remember those' Aria says

'Oh I gotta hear about this one' Amanda says

'Me too' Ava says

'Good because I can tell Savannah how I went into labor with you' Kelly says

'I like this game' Savannah says

'I don't know if i know that or not' Amanda says

'Me either anyways back to Mona' Kelly says

'Ok so babe you might have to correct me on these but if my memory servers me right, we were looking at the house that we have now i was pregnant with Savannah at the time and as we are looking around my water broke right in the middle of the living room, so we had to take the house at the point, so we went to the hospital and i had Savannah' Mona says

'Plus it was Savannah's way of saying this one is your guys home and she was right' Aria says

'And still am' Savannah says

'Yeah, you think that you are' Amanda says, they laugh

'Now with Claire she broke my water in a classy way, while I was in the pool, Aria was sitting next to me thank god and I lean over, and whisper to her 'hey babe we gotta bounce and go to the hospital because the baby broke my water', so we left and went to the hospital and i Claire' Mona says

'Was you guys at a pool party or something?' Ava asks

'Yup' Aria says, Mona nods yes

'With Amanda I was in the middle of cooking dinner and that's when broke my water' Kelly says

'It seems like whenever you guys was doing something we would break your guys water' Amanda says

'Well we was nine months pregnant by that time too so our waters were weak at that point so one little thing can easily break it' Mona says

'How come you didn't get pregnant mom?' Claire asks, Everything goes silent, Mona holds her hand in comfort

'She couldn't have any kids' Savannah whispers in Claire's ear

'Oh sorry mom' Claire says, Aria looks at her and smiles


Brittany walks out of the double doors and Everybody gets up they walk up to her

'Her name is Elizabeth Bridget Morgan, weighing 7 pounds and 8 oz, she's healthy' Brittany says, she smiles and starts crying, Mona hugs her

'Oh my god' Everybody says

'Um they are getting Hailey back to the room, but you guys can see Elizabeth though' Hailey says

they follow Brittany to where all of the babies lays at after being born, they look through the window

'There she is' Brittany says, pointing to Elizabeth, everybody looks

'Aw' everybody says

'Why is her face red?' Ava asks

'It means you guys are trying to calm down from crying and screaming so much when you came out, like when you guys was younger and you cried and scream then your guys faces would turn because of it' Mona says

'Oh yeah, now i get it' Ava says

They look at Elizabeth for a little bit longer then heads home and let's Hailey rest, let her enjoy for new family

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