ch. 7: the funeral 💔

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It's Sunday at the church they are having a viewing for Amanda's dad her mom and Amanda are stranding outside of the church doors greeting guest and family members and friends, Savannah, Ava and Claire are the last ones to show up, they walk up to them

'Ava its nice to see you again' Kelly says, Ava smiles and they hug

'You too, Ms. Johnson' Ava says, Kelly looks at Savannah and Claire

'Wow it's been awhile since i saw you guys last, you're grown up now, I'm glad that you guys showed up too because Amanda needs friends and her girlfriend around her right now' Kelly says, they both smiles

'It's nice to see you again Ms. Johnson' Savannah says

'And we will be there for Mandy whenever, she needs us' Claire says, Kelly smiles

'I'm glad to it, I'm go inside and meet some people, I'll let you guys talk' Kelly says, she walks inside, Amanda walks up to Savannah and they kiss

'Thank you guys for coming' Amanda says

'Of course' Ava says

'We made a promised to Abby that we would always be there for each other' Savannah says, Amanda smiles and kisses her

'I'm glad that you guys are back' Amanda says, Savannah smiles

Ava and Claire smiles too because they always had a rocky friendship at first since Savannah admitted that Amanda is annoying

'Me too' Savannah says

'Um are you guys busy tonight with hanging out with family or homework?' Amanda says

'Our parents figure that you probably need us so they suggest that we spend the night in the tree house tonight' Savannah says, Amanda smiles

'That sounds good because my mom is going to be with her parents for awhile I need somewhere to stay for a little, Ava got any room?' Amanda asks, Ava smiles, that kinda of hurt Savannah's feelings

'Of course there is, we have a guest bedroom' Ava says, they hug

'Hey guys the funeral is about to start let's get our seats' Kelly says, she walks back out

'Oh mom, Ava said I can stay with her and her family until you come back' Amanda says

'Oh That's nice, thank you Ava' Kelly says, Ava smiles

'Of course Ms. Johnson' Ava says, so they walk in the church and funeral starts


After the funeral

Amanda can tell that Savannah has been acting weird ever since she asked Ava if she can stay with them, Amanda walks up to Savannah

'Can i talk to you for a minute, excuse us' Amanda says, to the people that Savannah was talking to


They walk outside and sits down at the picnic table

'Ok I noticed that you have been acting weird ever since I asked Ava if i could stay with her until my mom got back, so what's going on?' Amanda asks

'I get that Ava is your best friend and all but when you asked her instead of me it hurt my feelings because I'm you're girlfriend I'm supposed to be there for you like times like this, you see Ava all the time but where do I fit in your schedule' Savannah says, she looks down at the picnic table with a sad look on her face

'You know what you're right ever since my dad died we haven't been together since then, I'll talk to my mom and Ava about it, sound good?' Amanda asks, Savannah looks up and smiles

'Yeah it does' Savannah says

'I'm sorry that I have been neglecting you lately I don't mean to its just with my dad's death and everything else I guess I have been neglecting everybody' Amanda says, Savannah puts her hand over Amanda's hand

'It's ok I understand' Savannah says, Amanda smiles

Then her smile fades away when she sees her dad's casket coming down the stairs

'Well it looks like its time to go to graveyard' Amanda says, she gets up and so does Savannah, they head to their cars


Later that night in the tree house Amanda told her mom and Ava about the change of plans and they are cool with it

'Hey before the other two gets here, thank you for understanding about what Sava said earlier' Amanda says

'Of course no problem, besides it gives us more time with our girlfriends separately though' Ava says

'Agreed, but like my mom said earlier I really do need you guys and your families if I'm ever going to get through this' Amanda says, Ava smiles

'Of course you will, you got all us' Ava says, they hug

'Now if only this how some movies ends' Savannah says, Claire chuckles, Ava and Amanda looks at them

'Oh God, she's here!' Amanda says, in a pretending winning voice, Ava Chuckles

'I'm going to let a lot of things slide because you're still grieving' Savannah says, she sits down beside her and Claire sits down beside Ava

'You know what actually for some reason I don't have the need to grieve, does that make me a bad person?' Amanda asks

'No it means that you already accepted his death by all those times that he was in the hospital before, you had a feeling that something like this would have happened one day' Claire says

'I just realized that he will never walked me down the aisle' Amanda says, she starts crying then everybody hugs her

Some times you Just need to let it all out and that's what Amanda is going right no

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