ch.23: baby update

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At school Claire, Savannah, Amanda, Ava, Hailey and the real Brittany are sitting at a table for lunch

'How's the pregnancy going Hailey?' Ava asks

'Pretty good, the only thing I hate is morning sickness' Hailey says

'When do you find out about the sex of the baby?' Savannah asks

'Eight-teen to twenty-two weeks and I'm not even close to I'm six weeks pregnant' Hailey says

'Are you guys going to do a gender reveal party?' Claire asks

'Yeah but we want to do it somewhere different that nobody has probably done yet and it's kinda of creepy but we did get permission to do it but we Savannah's permission to do it too' Brittany says

'Ok, what is it?' Savannah asks

'We want to do the gender reveal party at Abby's grave, we want to do it there because Abby was Will still is apart of this group we thought it would be nice if she was involved some how' Hailey says, Savannah smiles

'I agree with you Abby is still apart of this group one way or another, so yes you do have my permission to do the gender reveal party there, as creepy as it is' Savannah says, they laugh

'Now we need permission from the cemetery people' Brittany says

'Yeah, Abby's grandma is going to ask some time this week' Hailey says

'Now we're going to find a place of our own here soon' Brittany says

'Nice' Claire says

'I don't think I can have a baby, I don't think I can get my body back into shape, I can barely get it back from eating at IHOP the other day' Amanda says

they laugh but Savannah, she doesn't like when Amanda body shames herself aka her body Claire looks at her

'Sava what's wrong?' Claire asks, Savannah looks at her

'I just don't like when people body shames themselves or aka their body' Savannah says

'You haven't told her yet?' Ava asks

'No I didn't' Amanda says

'Tell me what?' Savannah asks

'I'll tell you later, it's a private thing' Amanda asks

'Ok' Savannah says, the rest of lunch is awkward


A/n Waring talking about eating disorder if triggered please DO NOT READ! 🚨

Later that day at the tree house Savannah is there waiting on Amanda, Amanda told her that she would be a little bit late then Amanda shows up

'Hey' Amanda says, Savannah looks at her and puts her phone down

'Hey' Savannah says, Amanda sits down beside her

'Last year when you and Abby was dating, you guys was in your guys honeymoon phase of the relationship, you guys didn't pay that much attention to us so I end up having a eating disorder because of it, I just thought you guys didn't want to be my friends anymore, then I started dating this girl ish but she didn't treat me right at all use to wear these clothes that would show off everything if you know what i mean, Claire told me the tank top situation earlier today good thing that you didn't because that would be a trigger for me, she would always flirt with other girls whenever I was around, she would always do what you do make me mad but in a funny way that's what you do, she did it in a disrespectful way, didn't care about me and my feelings, so I cut ties with went back to my eating disorder luckily before I went into deep, Ava helped me out of it and I couldn't thank her enough we became best friends since then and I can go to her with any problems I have' Amanda says, Savannah wipes Amanda's tears away

'Now I feel like an asshole, I feel like i made you get an eating disorder' Savannah says, Amanda looks at her like are you nuts

'Are you kidding me, babe you didn't do anything wrong trust me when i say that, you guys was just in your guys honeymoon phase of the relationship all couples goes through that, I just didn't know it at the time until Ava said that, it was me getting into my own head about things like always that's why i have Ava to talk to me out of it' Amanda says, she wipes Savannah's tears away

'You just don't have Ava, you have me too, and Claire, Brittany and Hailey even though they are doing their own thing that doesn't mean they won't drop anything to be there for you' Savannah says, Amanda smiles and kisses her

'Unlike your ex or whatever she was, I won't hurt you the way that she did, I just wish I can get my hands on her' Savannah says

'I know, but she's far long done by now, hopefully before you and Ava gets your hands on her' Amanda says

'I bet Ava wants to kill her more then I do, I'm glad that you had Ava last year' Savannah says, Amanda smiles

'Me too, just like you she's over protective of me too, so you better keep your promise of treating me right' Amanda says

'I will, I'll prove it to you' Savannah says, Amanda smiles

'I know you will i seen the way you treated Abby like a queen' Amanda says

'I'll do the same thing to you' Savannah says, Amanda wipes her own tears away

'Sorry talking about Abby always makes me cry' Amanda says, Savannah smiles and helps her whip her tears away

'I know, every time somebody mentioned her name or see or hear her name I just break down, why don't we have any tissues around here' Savannah says, Amanda chuckles

'I'll bring some over tomorrow' Amanda says, Savannah sits closer to her

'You ok now?' Savannah asks

'Yeah I am' Amanda says

'I do agree with you on one other thing, I do tease you just to make you mad in a funny way but i wouldn't across the line like your ex did or whatever she was and I won't disrespect you like that especially in public like she did' Savannah says

'I hope you don't' Amanda says

'I won't, I promise you that I won't' Savannah says

'Good' Amanda says, she kisses her

'Can i ask you something?' Savannah asks

'Yeah,of course' Amanda says

'I have been thinking about this since it happened but what if I just wear that tank top just for you' Savannah says

'When would you be able to wear it, what I mean is with your family around and Ava, when will have privacy' Amanda says

'Mmmm, good point, um how about I just keep it back until we have a place of our own' Savannah says

'Sounds good' Amanda says

'Are you going to miss Brit and Hailey when they move out' Savannah says

'Yes and no, yes because I don't have to share a bathroom but no because it's going to be lonely there' Amanda says

'But me, Ava, and Claire can come over, Brit and Hailey will too for you to see the baby, they are not gone yet' Savannah says

'True, I'm happy that you let them do the gender reveal party at Abby's grave' Savannah says

'Like me and Hailey said earlier she's apart of this friend group' Savannah says

'That is true' Amanda says

'You look tired?' Savannah asks

'I am, practice kick my ass today' Amanda says

'Aw, you want me to take you home, so you can take a shower and relax before you go to bed' Savannah says

'Yeah that would be great, thanks' Amanda says, Savannah smiles

'You're welcome love' Savannah says, she kisses her, they get up and Savannah takes Amanda home

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