ch. 25: face to face

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One day after school Amanda and Ava areat Claire's and Savannah's house helping them clean their rooms then Abby walks in Claire's room

'Wow, did a tornado came through here or something because I can't see the floor' Abby says, they laugh

'No, me and Amanda are helping these guys clean their rooms' Ava says

'If think my room is bad go look at Sava's room' Claire says

'Should I wear any protection?' Abby asks

'Oh yeah, Sava's room is so much worse then Claire's room is' Tiffany says

'I'll take your word for it babe' Abby says

'Hey Abby I haven't been trying to avoid You or anything it's just between school, work and Claire I have had no time to hang out with you, sorry' Ava says

'That's fine I understand' Abby says

'Come on Tiffany let's go help Amanda with Savannah's room' Claire says

'Ok' Tiffany says, they leave, Abby walks up to the other side of Claire's bed

'I wish she would yell at me already I know she wants to and I can see the hurt still in her face every time we lock eyes' Abby says

'Well she did have strong feelings for you, when you guys shared that new years eve kiss her feelings for you became romantic towards you and when she gave you that necklace basically in front of the whole school you rejected her in front of everybody, I saw it happened and I will never forget that look on her face when you walk past her to go to Savannah, and i don't want to see that look her face ever again, I will do everything in my power to not hurt her like you did, I think Savannah feels responsible for it too and she should be because Claire clearly told Savannah that she like you in that way, she could have stop whatever was going on between you guys, ok I can get that you misread the signs that Claire was giving you, but you could have took the necklace waited until after school then talk to her how you felt about her and how you like Savannah instead of her, instead of embarrassing her in front of everybody that's why she didn't show up at school for the rest of week or when we would hang out together in a group when you and Savannah started dating, after they moved Claire went to therapy to get over you and it worked romantically not in a friendship way, now since you're back I'm afraid that she might have to go back because her past trauma again' Ava says, Abby wipes her tears away


In Savannah's room

'Wow I'm kinda of turn on right now and Ava isn't my girlfriend' Amanda says, they laugh

'Right!, did you get chills too?, nobody has stood up to Abby like that before, not even me' Tiffany says

'Or me' Savannah says, she sits down on her bed, Claire sits beside

'Ava said what i wanted to say and more' Claire says

'She knows how to use her words' Amanda says

'I guess I have to tell people how I feel even it does hurt their feelings that way I don't get step on' Claire says, Savannah looks at her and hugs her

'Me and Sava talk the night that Abby came back and we both agree on just because Abby is back doesn't mean we have romantic feelings for her anything, we are over, we're happy with you and Ava now, and I have forgiven her along time ago ok yes like Ava just said Abby could have waited until after school to tell me that she doesn't have feelings for me anymore but shit happens, I went to therapy I got the help that I needed will I go back maybe but not because of Abby, but for other things too' Claire says

'Couldn't say it better then myself' Savannah says, they hear Abby talking now


'I'm not crying because of my feelings being hurt by what you because they are not hurt' Abby says, she sits down on Claire's bed, Ava looks at her confused

'What are you talking about?' Ava says, she sits down beside her

'You said everything that Claire wanted to say and more, the truth is when we kissed on new years eve I did feeling something but i just brushed off at first then when she gave that necklace those feelings came back so I had to get my mind off of things that's why i went to Savannah and I didn't know that we would end up together, I ran away from my feelings from Claire because I was afraid of my feelings for Claire, I know that Claire would have treated me right but i got in my own head, I abandon Claire when she needed me the most, I take responsibility for that, Savannah going to therapy because of my 'death', Amanda's eating disorder, you wanna beat the crap out of me I'm surprised that you haven't yet, and most importantly I'm responsible for Lily's death maybe I should have been the one who got killed not Lily' Abby says

'No, no, no, Abby look at me?' Ava asks, she holds Abby's hands and Abby looks at her

'Don't You dare say that last sentence again do you hear me?'Ava asks, Abby nods yes

'Good because yes you are responsible for one of those things but not Lily's death, your dad is responsible for her death, Savannah is responsible for going to therapy, Amanda is responsible for her eating disorder, I'm not going to beat up a close friend of mine just because I'm still mad at her that's my responsibility, the only thing that you're responsible for is making things right with Claire nothing else' Ava says, Abby smiles

'Now that I said what i said to you now I feel a little bit better' Ava says

'Well I'm glad that you do, you are right I have to make things right with Claire' Abby says

'And You will in due time' Claire says

they look at her, Abby smiles and wipes away more tears away, Claire walks up to her and hugs her

'Now that we finally aired out everything hopefully, Abby there's just one thing That I have to say to you and that is I forgiven you along time ago I moved on clearly' Claire says, she looks at Ava, Ava smiles

'And You moved on too with Tiffany, we all are happier now with who ended up with, it's just how life is some times you have your highs and lows, if I go back to therapy it won't be because of you but probably for other things that I buried down and forgotten about then they will resurface and then I gotta deal with that' Claire says, Abby smiles

'I'm glad that we're all friends again and everything is ok now, hopefully' Abby says, she looks at Ava, Ava smiles

'Yeah, of course it is' Ava says

'Now that we finally got that settled, now Tiffany and Amanda are helping Savannah with her room, so that means you guys are stuck with me and we have to get this done before moms come back' Claire says

'Alright fine' Ava says

They get up and starts helping Claire clean her room, while Tiffany and Amanda helps Savannah clean her room and thry get done before Mona and Aria gets back and they pass with flying colors

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