Chapter 15 *Edited

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Hey guys~ Sorry for the late updates. As I mentioned previously I was vaccinated on the last chapter updates and I've been feeling unwell and the side effects was not that bad but still, It takes a lot of my energy and I've been feeling sluggish and fevers few times. So yeah, hoping that it will get better soon but alas, another fever got to me today so...I did my best to ensure that I manage to update even if it is late so, on with the chapter~ Enjoy. 

Chapter 15 : Lovers Unveiled!

It seems that Ryoga had arrived a little faster than what he had expected. As he was humming while walking across the wide entrance, he held on the bag that was filled with Haruka's medication and pills and also some sweets that she loved. He was filled with joy thinking how happy she would be when he gave it to her. He knows that e was spoiling her too much, but still he adores his siblings even if it doesn't always shows on most of his gestures and actions. A broad smile curved on his face as he continues on his walks. 

He spotted Ryoma who seems to be in an argument with someone. It sparks his interest to see such a troubled expression on his face and not to mention worries him when he saw the expression on the man who was arguing with Ryoma. He frowns at that expression and speeded up his steps and found both of them who were still arguing. He quickly walks towards them and patted on Atobe's shoulder.

"Do you need something from my little brother here?" Ryoga asked.

"Ahn, little" Atobe could spot the same traits on both Ryoga and Ryoma. "Are Echizen?" He asked.

"Yes I am, do you have any problem with that?" Ryoga asked him again.

"Wha...what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to meet with Haru?" Ryoma asked.

"I am...but then I just have to spot you in such a troubled situation...or, am I in the wrong to do so?" Ryoga asked with a puzzled face.

"Haa, whatever but...tha..." Ryoma suddenly stopped.

"Tha?" Asked Ryoga.

"Th-tha-thanks..." Said Ryoma and blushed.

"Ahh..." Ryoga was shocked to see Ryoma blushed cutely like that and also, it was the first time that Ryoma had ever thanked him ever since he left home years ago. "Hmm, sure."

"Well, I'll show you the way so...let's go. See you around, Monkey King." Ryoma said and hurriedly walks away from there.

"Alright, alright." Said Ryoga and followed Ryoma from behind. Just before he walks away from that place, he sent Atobe a glare and a fierce don't-you-dare-to-disturb-him kind of expression.

"Ahn...the older brother, huh." A smirk was curved on his face. "Heh...Ore-sama just saw something interesting..." He said while remembering Ryoma's blushed face.

As both of them were walking towards the dining hall, Ryoma remains being quiet and even if he was most of the times, it just felt unsettled to Ryoga. Out of curiosity, he decided to question Ryoma regards the man earlier. His step became faster to catch up to Ryoma who was walking in front of him.

"Hey...Chibisuke..." He called out to Ryoma.

"..." Ryoma remains silent and did not even bother to reply him.

"Haaa...Ryoma..." Ryoga finally give in and called Ryoma's name just like he used to when they were small.

"What?" Ryoma finally answered.

"That Monkey King that was with you he trying to pick up on you?" Ryoga asked with a serious face.

"Huh?! What's with that?" Ryoma burst out with such a loud voice.

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