Chapter 12 *Edited

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Hi Wattpaders, since I got some time I will edit this chapter and hopefully less mistakes on grammar since this one was written like few years back. So yeah, enjoy. Hopefully I am able to update regularly. Still my laptop is damage so..i'm trying my best to update this. No more babbles and let's stay safe! #StayAtHome #Let'sRead. Enjoy~

Chapter 12 : Her feelings, His answer.

The news of the invitation was sent to Seigaku for the Invitational Cup had been spread like a wildfire. The news that was shared between the tennis club had made everyone to be excited, well everyone except for one girl that is. Not everyone noticed on it, except for the regular members. It was subtle enough but it really does shows through the days. She had been in a daze a lot more than usual. She had been like that ever since Tezuka left for German and everyone started to become worried about her but still, it does not seem to effect her once training is on. The regime had become tougher and harsher and every details on mistakes had been poke on throughout the training.

"Are you alright, Haruka-san?" Asked Fuji.

"Hurm? What do you mean by that, Fuji-Senpai?" She answered.

"It seems that you are worries about something, is it about the Invitational Cup, Haruka-san?" Fuji asked as he slowly folded his arms comfortably .

"Well...that is..."

"Well isn't it a good thing? since we are all going for the Invitational Cup, we'll be training with the other school, so you can rest Haruka-san." Oishi cut off her words as came towards them with a broad smile.

"Well, since Ryuzaki-sensei is going as well, the club will have no one to coach them." Haruka stated.

"Ahh...that's right....will it be okay?" Asked Momoshiro as the other regular members started to crowd around Haruka.

"It will be alright. At least...Arai, will handle them...well...I don't even know whether it is a good thing or not..." Ryuzaki-sensei added hesitantly.

"Well, since I'll come to the Invitational Cup camp as Ryuzaki-sensei's assistant that is, he is the only option we have right now." Haruka sighed.

"What? Are you serious?" Asked Kikumaru.

"Yup, I am serious."

"I think...we'll be doomed by her training." Momoshiro whispered.

The first day had passed smoothly, everyone seem excited and full with anticipation. Haruka also were given a place in the dorm, alone that is. But her room is right next to Ryoma's, so that was a relief in the least. Initially,  Ryuzaki-sensei asked Haruka to stay with her but Haruka said that it might trouble her if she were to do that and said that it will be better if she stay near Ryoma instead. In the least, Ryoma could watch over her since he is just staying next to her.

"Well, well, well. What are you doing here, Echizen's little sister?" Asked Atobe as he saw haruka walking through the dormitories hallway.

"Ahh! Monkey King. " Haruka blurted out that name.

"You dare to call Ore-sama that name, huh?" Atobe was a little annoyed hearing Haruka calling him with the same words as Ryoma would greet him.

"Well, I am Ryuzaki-sensei's assistant during this camp."

"Ahn, a girl like you? Well...Do your best, midget." Replied Atobe as he walks by.

"What's with that?" Haruka mumbles to herself as she watches the man walks away.

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