Chapter 18*Edited

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Notes will be at the end~ See ya!

Chapter 18 : It is Mutual, Our love that is...

The sky was so clear and Haruka was blinded by the bright sky, still it is a lovely day. Echizen's household was so loud and busy right from the morning. Nanjiroh was busy packing his stuff when Rinko came and saw all of his erotic collection that he was hiding from her and there, Nanjroh was begging for it to be spared by Rinko's wrath. Ryoma was yawning as he walks down the stairs with Karupin in his arm and Ryoga was busy replying mails from his friends in America. Nanako was preparing for breakfast when finally Haruka came down from her room with such a broad smile on her face.

"Jeez, could they be more quiet this early in the morning?" She said.

"Hmmm...ahh" Said Ryoma while yawning once again and started to dozes off on the dining table.

"Wake up, Ryoma." Said Haruka while shaking him up and startled poor Karupin.

"Hmm...I'm awake." He said while rubbing his eyes.

"Wake up, sleepy head!" Ryoga said while knocking Ryoma's head lightly.

"I'm awake..." Ryoma said again.

"No you are not." Said Haruka and sighed. "Jeez."

"Haru-chan, have you taken you pills today?" Asked Nanako who was preparing the table.

"I did, just now and Ryoga-nii, who are you texting with?" Asked Haruka who had been curious about Ryoga who had been focusing on his phone since she went down.

"Huh? Ouh, just a friend. It seems like I might need to return to States soon." Ryoga said and sighed.

"Hmmm, Why?" She asked again.

"There's a tournament soon. Well, they want me to represent the America teams, well not that I mind that." Answered Ryoga.

"Hmmm...sounds interesting." Said Ryoma who was trying not to fall asleep again.

"You are awake?" Asked Ryoga.

"Trying to..."

"Jeez, decide already, brat. Sleep or food?" Ryoga asked while smiling at how funny it is to see Ryoma nodding off on his chair.

"Umm...oth.." Ryoma mumbles.

"Huh?" Both Haruka and Ryoga asked at once.

"Umm....Both..." This time he speaks more clearly than before as he dozes off to sleep.

"Tha-Wha...Ryoma." Haruka went speechless listening to Ryoma's answer.

"Ryoma? Ryo~ ma..." Called Ryoga, he waves his hand in front of him a few times and it is certain that Ryoma had fallen asleep while waiting for breakfast.

Laughter could be heard throughout the house. Haruka and Ryoga laugh as loud as they could as seeing Ryoma who was sleeping on his chair. Their laughter shocked Rinko and Nanjiroh who was still fighting over Nanjiroh's porn magazine that he was hiding from Rinko. Both of them quickly went to the dining table only to see the peaceful and joyful scene in front of them.

"This, feels like a family." Rinko said slowly.

"Rinko, we are a family." Nanjiroh replied while smiling proudly.

A week had passed since the Goodwill Tournament. It seems that Tezuka had to leave for Germany again and this time who knows when he would return. Haruka is sad of course, seeing his boyfriend need to leave her in Japan but she knows it more than anyone just how important it is for Tezuka. Breakfast ended up smoothly with Nanjiroh whom keep on weeping about his porn magazine which had been confiscated by Rinko which would ended up as ashes. Ryoma is now fully awake as soon as the breakfast was set on the table. It is Japanese breakfast, which is his favourite.

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