Chapter 19*Edited

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Hello~ It's me again. Yay!...So I have decided that I might be updating the story like once a month or twice a month. It depends on whether I have the time or not basically. Been busy these days. And so, Happy Ramadhan to my fellow muslim readers and Happy early Eid Mubarak as well, we are reaching the end of Ramadhan already, going to be busy for the Eid's preparation. And so, enjoy~

Chapter 19 : The promises under the Stars

Her skin is glowing with radiance, her long hairs were flowing beautifully, and her skirt is ruffling with every move she made and a smile, a broad smile curved on her face. She looked at her ring finger where her ring is and started to kiss it gently. She quickly went to the front door when she stumbled upon Ryoma and Ryoga who was there, holding their tennis racquet on their shoulder. She squeaked when she saw them. An eyebrow was raised on both of them which now, practically looking at each other and sighed. Ryoma just ignored it and adjusting his cap.

"What are you doing there, just standing like a tree log? You are in a hurry, right?" Said Ryoga calmly.

"Ah...ahhh, right." She finally realized it and hurriedly wear her shoes.

"Have a nice long talk with him, alright." Said Ryoma who was opening the door while Ryoga following him from behind.

"Eh?" She was surprised to hear that coming, especially from Ryoma's mouth. "Ahh...umm, thank you...both of you." She said and continued in what she was doing.

Both Ryoga and Ryoma were already out when she went outside and closed the door. She started to breathed in and clenched a fist with determination before she started to jog. Ryoga who saw this, shouted from the garden which shocked her.

"Don't run! Just walk slowly, he'll be waiting anyway!" Ryoga stated with a smirk which makes Haruka blushes.

"Got it~!" Was her reply.

Ryoma was standing besides Ryoga who was smiling as he saw Haruka started to skip on her steps happily. He slightly touched his cap and walk towards the tennis court behind their house at the temple. Ryoga just shrugged his shoulder and follows Ryoma. Nanjiroh was already there, reading his well, 'book' as he usually does while scratching his chest.

"Yo, Youngsters~" He beamed as he saw both his sons were walking towards him holding a tennis racquet on both of their shoulder.

"Quiet down, Dad. You're so loud." Stated Ryoma.

"What~?" Was all he say.

"Hey, Ryoma. Do you think everything will be alright?" Ryoga suddenly asked Ryoma. Worries still hung over his mind.

"Who knows. But, they will be alright." Ryoma answered with a broad smile on his face.

Haruka walks slowly towards their meeting place with such a broad smile on her face. As soon as she reached the meeting point, she could already see Tezuka waiting for her. She smiles broadly as she walks towards him only to being received with a broad and charming smile from Tezuka who realized her within the crowd.

"Morning, Haruka." He said.

"Umm, Morning. Did you wait for long, Mitsu?"She asked.

"Nope, I just got here few minutes ago." He said while offering his hand to Haruka who gladly accept it with a smile.

"Hi hi, such cliché." She said while giggling.

"'s a common gesture." He answered with a smile.

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