Chapter 13 *Edited

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Hey Wattpaders! I'm back again with another update!! Applause!! Yay, like finally. I've been trying to keep the update constant so...if I don't update once  a week then it means it might take around once in two weeks time. So, enough with the babble and on with the story. Enjoy~

Chapter 13 : That Man, His scheme.

It was such a surprise. At first he was just walking there to get some water however he ended up watching such an interesting scene unfold in front of his own very eyes. A broad evil lurking smile curved on his face. He looked amused by the news that he had just secured. A finger touched his lips as he tries to calculate his next steps, aiming for what he had been trying to get. After all, he would get what he want, and everything will go his ways whatever it is that he wished for. 

"Well...eavesdropping is bad manners, don't you think so, Monkey King?"

" are here, huh? Ore-sama thought that you had return to your room." Said Atobe while touching his forehead with such a broad smile on his face.

"It is none of your business right, whether I am here or not. But...what are you doing here in the first place?" Ryoma asked with a smirk on his face.

" are so not cute you know, brat. It is Ore-sama business to be where Ore-sama wants to." Atobe continued to watch both Haruka and Tezuka who was still talking in the dining hall. "Besides...are you okay with that, brat?" He asked.

"Hmph, just why do you think I left them all alone in there in the first place?" Ryoma replied.

" you already knew?"

"Ah...A few weeks after Captain left for Germany. Haru told me about it...all of it..." Ryoma said and turn his back towards Atobe and step away. "Well...I believe that this does not concern you right, Monkey King?" He added and looked at Atobe with a serious face.

"Well...this will stir things up...and my...what an interesting entertainment to please Ore-sama's boredom."

"I don't really care on what you want to do or how that stupid brain of yours is working but, if you do something that will hurt Haru in any way... Just know that you'll end up in a big trouble." Ryoma stated his mind seriously.

"Ouh...and who might be the person that will ensure that to happen? After all, no one could give Ore-sama that kind of trouble, when ever it is unless Ore-sama allows it to be." Atobe said with a smirk on his face, slowly walks towards Ryoma. Closing him in as his face was about to touch Ryoma's face in mere distance.

"I'm sure you know, Monkey King. It is not just me that is protecting her... the Echizen do have two sons after all." Ryoma said that and just walk away not even flustered by how close Atobe is, too close for what had been normal in their banter. 

"Hmph...As if Ore-sama would let that to happen. But indeed, things will be interesting after all" Atobe stated as he too walks away from there, returning to his own room for the rest of the night.


The days within the camp were progressing at its usual pace after Tezuka came in a the substitute coach in place of Coach Ryuzaki. Haruka seems happy after the talk that she had with Tezuka that night. Ryoma also realizes that not only Haruka's mood had improved, it seems that the Captain he had respected had also changes since that night. For him, it was too obvious even though the other team members did not even felt that the cold man had actually had a changes in any way at all. Ryoma notices that his gestures are becoming softer and the warm aura that could be felt when he was with Haruka discussing about their schedule and training menus. God, he could even see the cold Captain curve a slight smile, something that he had never done before. 

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