Chapter 22*Edited

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Another chapter that I had review and edits. Enjoy~

Chapter 22: To You and You alone.

To be with the person you love with all of your heart, what else could you ever ask for more? Haruka obviously happy with everything that she got. She felt contented. As she was humming happily right after she got out of the bathroom, feeling all refreshed, she noticed that the room was empty. Tezuka must have been chatting with her father and Ryoma downstairs as tomorrow all of them will be separated, following each path. For her and Tezuka, honeymoon trip. A small smile curved on her face as she slowly dry off her hair. Suddenly, the door was knocked lightly. She quickly tied her bathrobe and walk towards it. She lightly left the door open to peek at the visitor.

"Yes?"She asked.

"It's me...Haru."

"Ahh...Ryoga-nii...wait for a few minutes, alright." She said as she quickly went over her wardrobe and searched for something to wear.

Outside the room, Ryoga was slowly opening his mobile phone. He sighed again and again as he read up the mail that was sent by his friend. The mail on something that he has asked his friend to look up with. As he was reading through the reports, he was suddenly being reminded of the situation he was in a few hours ago.

*In English.

"Hello? Ryoga?" Said a voice.

"Hey, Joe...listen. do me a favor?" Ryoga asked.

"..." Joe went silent as he was speechless, wondering whether he had somehow talking to someone else rather than Ryoga. He look up to the screen only to reveal the name 'Ryoga' on it.

"Joe?" Ryoga said as he was puzzled caused by the long silent.

"Uh..ah...Ryo...Ryoga?" Joe wanted to ensure himself again.


"You...Okay, never mind. What kind of favor are you asking for?" Joe finally asked, curious about this favor of his.

"Could for any news about Ai?"

"Ai?" Joe started to crack his brain remembering the name. " mean Asakura Ai, the japanesse girl that went to the same treatment center as your little sister?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, that's her alright. Would you, please..." Ryoga practically begged.

"You...Is it just me you fallen for her?" Joe asked and he was just trying to tease him and chucked before he could actually heard his replies.

"Yeah...I do...I really do...Damn!" Ryoga confessed.

"Seriously man...You? Fall in love?" Joe was surprised of course. Ryoga being known for being a skirt chaser is actually seriously had fallen for a girl. Yeah, he might pray that the day after is not the Doomsday. "Man...SERIOUSLY?!" Joe asked again almost sounded panic.

"Yeah...I know what you are thinking, but...I am a human and i can't help it..." Ryoga practically confessed.

"Damn, man! Well...I am had always been treating others coldly well...except your siblings and some others...I'm starting to think that you are not a human. But...congrats man! I'll root for you!" Joe stated excitedly.

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