Chapter 11 *Edited

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So....urmm...I got no excuses....Well...You guys might want to chase me with torches and sharp fork as if i am a witch from Saleem from the dark ages but, BUT! I tried...i really did. Honestly guys, working in a call center is nothing like rainbows and unicorns...believe me....this filled with Stress and mental breakdown..... I am still wondering just Why the HELL did i agree to do this job! is still a job, a legit job that actually help me pay my just bear with it. Anywho...don't want to waste more of your waitings! Enjoy people!  Shout out to AnimalLuver96 for asking me about the updates. It totally slipped out from my mind since i've been busy and stressing over this job. SO yeah, Enjoy. Just a note, it is not fully edited my health was not in a good condition lately. So...because you guys have been waiting for  long. P/S: I finally complete editing this chapter...took me long enough.

Chapter 11 : Buchou's secret Romance?

The sky was clear and the sun was shining oh so brightly early in the morning. Tezuka who had arrived in German for almost two months had already started to adapt the life of living in the Rehabilitation Center. The letter that was handed by Haruka was still on his desk. Unopened, untouched. It had been there for almost everyday. As his face covered with a frown just by seeing the letter, a sigh was heard from his mouth. He is delaying the situation and he himself knows it best. Trying to ignore the issue, he quickly adjusted his spectacles and started to proceed with his daily routine.

Jogging around the center early in the morning is such life of healthy routines . The fresh air and the view are awesome not to mention the people as well. Even though he knew that he should be focusing on his health and recuperation, there are still issues that kept on bothering him. It kept on lingering on the back of his mind, unable to be forgotten. It was obvious to the people's eyes, especially his doctor whom had been helping him since the first day he arrived at the center.

" seems distracted, is there anything you wish to share with me?" Asked Tezuka's doctor.

"'s nothing." 

"Is that so...well then, we're done for today. You could rest for the day." She said while checking Tezuka's health data.

"Thank you, doctor."

Once he returns to his room, his eyes were focusing on a letter that was on his desk. A sigh was heard. Slowly he walks towards his desk and pick up the letter. Finally ready to read out what was written on them. He reads it thoroughly, as thorough as he could be, only that he had to re-read the whole things more than a hand could count and still he wears the same expression on his face each time he re-read the letter. More than shocked, it shows that he is more troubled with the situation more.

"Haruka..." A name slipped out from his mouth.

Few months ago...

"Haru...are you really alright?" Asked Ryoma who was worried about Haruka.

"I'm fine, Ryoma..."

"But you don't look like it...You should bring her home now." He said while glaring at Ryoga who was with them.

"Cheh...'You'? It's Oni-chan to you, chibisuke." Replied Ryoga who was annoyed.

"Hmph. should go home now..." Ryoma added, ignoring Ryoga's word.

"I'm totally fine...Ryoga-ni is here...I want to walk home with you, Ryoma...can't I?" Haruka asked as she gave him the puppy eyes that she knows he can't resist.

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