Chapter 20*Edited

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Hello~ Finally another updates! Finally got the time. I've been busy at work and there's so much to do, so little time to spare. Haha...I'm so gonna request for a raise. Hopefully I got it. Well, at the moment it is the festive season so, Happy Eid ul-Fitr for all Muslims! I don't even have any energy to spare into squeezing my brain for any words right Enjoy~

Chapter 20: Those special sentence.

Days passes by, followed by weeks and months, from spring to winter in a perfect four seasons cycle, years had passed. Haruka and Tezuka's relationship are strong indeed. Contacting each other in any free time that they could spare for actually helped them to settle the gap between them. It takes great effort on both of them to actually search for time in their busy day for each other. Long distance relationship is hard indeed, it is only the matter of how strong you felt for each other and, how deep the trust you build into the relationship that could withstand the distance between each other. The bond is there, so is the love. 

At times, Tezuka would come and visit Haruka in America however it won't last for long since Tezuka himself had been busy ever since he became a Professional Tennis player at the age of eighteen. Haruka was happy to hear that but also lonely at the same time. Sometimes he would watch Tezuka's game with Ryoga and Ryoma but still, the loneliness are still there. Sometimes right after US Open tournament ended, Haruka and Tezuka would go for a date during free time and that was enough for her since they could be with each other for the whole day even though at times, people would started to crowd them asking for Tezuka's autograph or to takes a picture with him. She could only sigh but still, Tezuka would take a good care of her and love her dearly. She understood how busy Tezuka is since both his older brothers are in the same path as Tezuka did.

"I will be just fine, Ryoma, Ryoga-nii..." Protested the 20 years old Haruka who was looking at both of her older brothers with a worried face on them.

"Won't you wait for another week?" Asked Ryoga.

"Ryoga-nii, I am fully cured. 100% healthy." Said Haruka sounded a bit angry.

"Haru..." Cried Ryoga.

"Jeez, Ryoga. She'll be just fine." Ryoma eye rolled at childish his older brother. "Haru, just make sure to contact us when you arrived so that we know that you are safe, okay?" Asked Ryoma while gently touch Haruka's shoulder and smile.

"Got it! I'll tell you when I meet with Mitsu too." Haruka said and curved a very broad smile on her face before dragging her luggage towards the check point area.

Both Ryoga and Ryoma waved her goodbye with a wide smile plastered on their face. Ryoga's face turn into a worried one as Haruka had no longer visible to his eyes which made Ryoma to sigh deeply and started to walk out of the airport leaving Ryoga behind who was still brooding on Haruka's decision to meet Tezuka in German rather than waiting for Tezuka to return.

"Ahhhh, why can't she just stayed as a child a bit longer." Ryoga sigh.

"..." It was a full on silent and it alerted  him to turn around where Ryoma was standing only to see no one was there. He was searching through the area when he saw Ryoma who was already walking towards the exit.

"Both of them were so cute when they were small, why can't they just stays that way?" Ryoga mumbles to himself as he too followed Ryoma towards the exit.

Ryoma keep on walking without even stopping even though Ryoga was obviously calling for his name over and over again. It actually annoyed him but Ryoma just want to return home and have a good sleep since he practically just finished his Grand Slam for the year and he wanted to rest, BADLY.

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