Chapter 17*Edited

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Hi everyone~ Sorry, been busy with work. It seems that management had put their trust on me and add on a new position for yeah, 2 post at the same time. Not sure if it can be considered as a promotion or just them thinking it as a hassle to hire someone else for the job. Well, no more blabber, enjoy~

Chapter 17 : Haru, I do remember.

After all the hassle and trouble went away, the only thing that is left is the Goodwill Junior Tournament between America and Japan. Haruka was allowed to watch the game together with Tezuka and Ryoga. Rather than watching the game it seems that they are the ones that is being watched instead. Sandwiched in between two hot guys didn't really help Haruka at all, she wished they could stop ogling them and rather watch the game.  Not to mention when both of them had been fussing about her all the time, can't she just watch the game in peace. Haruka sighed heavily, uncomfortable with all the attention that was directed to her.

"Haru, are you alright?" The worried Ryoga asked when he heard the sigh and Tezuka began to hold her firmly, afraid that she would collapse.

"I'm fine, seems that we caught a lot of attention just by standing here." Haruka stated with a forced smile.

"Hmm. Well it's alright, not that it mind me." Tezuka said "I'm more worried about you." He suddenly added while gently brushed her cheek.

"Ahem! I'm still here, you know." Said Ryoga who started to feel uncomfortable and annoyed at the same time. "Jeez, I know that I 'ok-ed' your relationship but please, control your manners." Said Ryoga who started to cross his arm looking all serious and annoyed.

"Let us be, Ryoga-nii. You should find yourself a girlfriend." Said Haruka who started to get all annoyed and irritated will all the eyes hovering over them in the middle of the day. Even the parasol didn't help evading those prying eyes at all.  

"I will, but not until I can rest assured that both you and Ryoma are happy, and that's that." Ryoga said and slightly touch Haruka's head gently.

"You always does that, putting us over yourself. Be selfish for once could you?" Said Haruka while getting closer to Tezuka and wrapped her arm around his.

"Don't you worry" Ryoga smirked "I am being selfish, always." Ryoga said with a broad smile on his face.

"We should get inside. It will become crowded if we're late." Tezuka said while curving a smile on his face towards Ryoga who was now ruffling his bangs.

"Yup, don't want to miss Chibi's game, right?" He said with a smile.

"There you go again. Ryoma won't be happy with that nickname, you know." Haruka said with a sigh.

"Well, he wouldn't know about it right, Kunimitsu?"

"I can't say no to that." Tezuka answered while curving a smile.

"You have been spending too much time with Ryoga-nii. " Haruka said again while touching her forehead lightly.

Both men could only curved a broad smile to her statement. Not that they could deny the truth in her words. The stadium was crowded with the spectators who wished to see the game with their own eyes. It seems that Oishi and the other Seigaku members who didn't make it to the team had already reserved a few seats for them. As they went inside, Tezuka could already see Kawamura and Momoshiro waving excitedly towards them. Ryoga could only whistled seeing the bunch of crowd who was taking their seats and chatting while waiting for the game to start.

As they maneuvered themselves within the crowd to reach their seats, Tezuka had been holding Haruka gently and carefully as to not letting her get pushed by any of the other spectators. Ryoga could only smile and sighed at the same time. He really do take a good care of Haruka is what he thought. The other Seigaku members could only smile and some of them were smirking.

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