Chapter 6

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Heya~ Another chapter. Finally edited. Only a few changes here and there. Not that big of changes though. There are many japanese terms that i had used in the original copy of the story and yeah, i am trying to lessen those terms. So yeah, sorry if the words were all over the place and might be sounding a bit weird. But yeah, bear with me please. And so, thank you for the reads and the votes and also the supports and the nice comments. Thank you, i did try to reply to all of the comments, and if i didn't i'm sorry but i did read them and i totally appreciated them Thank you so very much. And so enjoy~

Chapter 6 : Feelings?

It is the final for the Kanto Tournament. Haruka was sitting outside the court as Ryoma and the others enter the court looking very confident. Ryoga who is sitting right next to her could only smile looking at Haruka who seems happy and excited. Suddenly Haruka tugged Ryoga's shirt and started to cough heavily. It seems that the others didn't realize it and so Ryoga quickly brings her to the resting place far from the court. It was a good thing that none of the regulars realize it. He would not want to have all of the effort that she had put through for them would be wasted just because of the sudden change of her condition. Not to mention that Ryoma would surely won't be able to be focused on his game and keep on worrying about her twin. It would surely affect his game for the tournament. Something that Haruka would hate. He was worried about Haruka more than anything at that moment. Rummaging her medicine bag for her pills, he realised that Haruka had been taking her medicine regularly just by seeing the quantity of the medicine. So, why would she got an attack? He thought.

" take your medicine..." He said gently while helping her to sit.

" Ryoga-nii..." Her white skin just became whiter.

"Haru...." Ryoga hugged her gently after she took her medication.

"Ryoga-nii....I-I'm sorry to worry you.." She finally speak.

" don't have to say that,'re my precious little matter what happens, worrying about you is a natural thing for me to do."

"He he he he...and that's what make you my beloved older brother..." She left a small giggle.

" Want me to call dad?"

"Nope...just stay here with will go away soon...I just need to rest a bit." She stated before she slowly started to dozes off.

The sun was high up on the sky, the small breeze came fluttering the leaves and leaves behind the scent of fresh air. Seeing Haruka falling asleep peacefully, he can finally relax.

Ryoga , 8 years old.

"Nii-nii...where are you going?" Asked the 5 years old Haruka who was hugging her favourite flush toy bigger than her.

"Haru..what are you doing here...It is cold outside, you will get sick!" Said Ryoga who was panicked seeing Haruka.

"Umm...usa-chan keep me warm.." Said haruka, referring to the flush toy.

"Come on, let's return to your room..."

"Umm...Nii-nii will be with me, right?" Asked Haruka.

"Uh..." Guilt rushes to his whole body "Uhm..yeah...I will always be there for you..Haru..." A sad smile curve on his face.

"He he...yay.."

He held her little finger gently, never wanting to let it go. Both Haruka and Ryoma are his precious siblings. He wanted to protect both of them, no matter what happens and at any cost.

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