Chapter 7

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Heya~ We meet again....sort of ^-^' . Oh well, new chapter, edited. I had added few bits here and there, i must say, just prepare a box of tissue or a pack of tissue...just in case. Not saying that it is going to be sad and tragic...just precautions. Don't say i didn't warn you guys. I did, alright. So yeah, thank you for the votes, comments and listing my story in your lists and libraries. Thank you so very much for everything and for all of your support. I truly appreciate them so very much. Thank you~ Enjoy~

Chapter 7 : The Great Escape (Ryoga's Story)

Ryoga, 8 years old.

"Nee...Ryoma...tell Haru that I'm sorry..." Said Ryoga while ruffling Ryoma's head.

"Huh? Why?..." Asked Ryoma who clung onto Ryoga's hand tightly.

"Just tell her will you?" He said with a big grin even though he was on his brink of bursting into tears.

"No! You should tell her yourself! Haru won't like it!" Ryoma stated out loud, trying to hold onto Ryoga tightly, scared of letting his hand go.

"Ryoma..." Ryoga called out his name sadly, slowly trying to peel his hands off him gently. "I'm sorry..but I can't..." He finally added as he held Ryoma's hand.

"Why?" Ryoma asked as tears started to glaze over his eyes.

"I'm sorry, chibisuke." Ryoga said as he let go of Ryoma's small hands and hugged him tightly before he went over to Nanjiroh who was waiting for him.

Nanjiroh quickly glanced over Rinko who was still holding the small Ryoma who was starting to cry quietly within her embrace while her face was glistening with tears. It is as though she was begging Nanjiroh not to let Ryoga go, letting him be separated from them, his family. Nanjiroh understood that gaze of her more than anything but what could he do? It is not within his power to do so. He hold onto Ryoga hand tightly, holding his tears.

"Mama... Where are they going?" Asked little Ryoma who was clutching his mother's arm around him with tears falling from his eyes over his cheek.

"Just...back home to take some stuff, Ryoma." She lied, trying to hold back her tears.

Ryoma knew that her mother was lying to him, he could see that his mother were crying, not only because of Haru, but also because of Ryoga. He knew that something was wrong, he knew that Ryoga had to go, but he doesn't know where. He just knew, and for that he cried.

While on their way back home, both Nanjiroh and Ryoga remain silent. The whole situation itself started to turn awkward. Nanjiroh seems like he was about to say something to Ryoga but, he suddenly stop. Ryoga was staring outside of the window for the whole journey without uttering any word and suddenly...


"Ye-Yes..." Nanjiroh replied, shocked by Ryoga's sudden approach to break the ice.

"I...could come and visits sometimes...right?" He asked without turning his gaze from the window.

" could come anytime that you want and as long as you want to..." Nanjiroh replied with a big smile.


"Of course!"

"Okay..." Ryoga replied with tears falls over his cheek, with a small smile curved on his face.

It had been a month since Ryoga moved out of Echizen's house in America. He heard the news from his aunt that Haru's condition had stabilised and that she was doing just fine in California. Sometimes he would talk to her, at first all he could hear was Haruka's sobbing and sniffing rather than listening to her speaking to him. For him, to be able to keep in touch with his family in that way was enough to satisfy him. But thing is not as nice as it seems to be.

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