Chapter 5

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So,finally another chapter is uploaded. Sorry. I was very busy last week and it just made me forgot about a lot of things. Internship really drives one crazy and you need to toughen up your mental. Just....hoping that i'll survive this. And so, thank you for the support and the reads and the comments and the votes as well as listing my story in your list. Thank you to Animebay for all the nice comments and vote she gave me. Thank you! And so..please do enjoy~ 

Chapter 5 : Encounters

"Echizen-san....what is your relationship with Echizen-kun?"Asked one of the classmates during the class gap.


"Where is your previous school, Echizen-san?" Asked a boy.

"May we call you Haruka-chan?" Asked another girl.


"Did you returned from abroad too, Echizen-san?" Asked another boy.

"Wahhh you can speak English like Echizen-kun?" Asked another girl.

"Wahh...I can't wait for English class." Said another girl.

Questions flew towards Haruka without stopping and it makes her to sweat dropped. None of their words actually help her nerves. She felt uncomfortable with all of the attention that she got. 

"You guys! You are disturbing Haruka-chan!" Said Horio who suddenly came from his seat.

"Ehhhh..." Said the group of students surrounding Haruka.

"Haa..." Ryoma sighed.

Ryoma who was sitting right next to her suddenly stand up and asked the other classmates to step aside. Haruka was relief seeing Ryoma's face within the crowd. She was starting to panic with people surrounding her and none of them are people that she is familiar with. It was very scary.

"Haru..are you alright?" Ryoma asked.

"Umm..." She replied, a small smile graced her face as she saw Ryoma.

"She is my twin little sister..." Ryoma said.

" guys can call me Haruka so that you won't confused me with Ryoma." She finally answered. " English is good I guess, since I live abroad."

"Happy now?" Asked Horio quite annoyed with the crowd that was surrounding Haruka's table.

"Why would you butt in Horio?"Asked a girl.

"Maa..." Horio started to scratch the behind of his head, trying to think of what to say.

"Don't crowd in front of Haruka it makes her uncomfortable." Stated Ryoma with a fierce gaze.

"Ha..Hai.." The whole crowd replied as they were all scared by how fierce and scary Ryoma can be.

"Thanks, Ryoma." Haruka replied with a smile feeling relief that she finally has some space.


"...and that what happened, Momo-senpai." Ended Horio.

"Ehh.... I can't imagine Ryoma could say that. He usually seems cold..Hmmm..." Momoshiro stated as he was rubbing his chin back and forth.

"We too Momo-senpai....he was glaring and everyone become scared.." Added Kachirou.

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