Please Do Read

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Need your all kind hearted people's understanding.

Hi kind and lovely wattpaders! I know, I'm sorry that it is not an updates. I am very sorry.

To summarize my life a bit cause yeah just cause...

So to starts with, I am currently in a situation where I am currently struggling with my finance. Critically. You may ask like couldn't I just ask my parents for help. Well, here is a fact, I lost both of them last year. 2017... For a very hard and tough and rough year. I lost my mom due to kidney failure and I lost my dad due to bacterial infection. So yeah. Please don't cry or anything cause, I don't want others sympathy. I just want others understanding. I am not lying cause I am just stating out facts that those close to me knows about.

So, I'm not going to tell you guys my sappy bad year and life more than that.

Thank you so much for reading this. Thank you. I'm sorry that I can't update my stories right now, but I will do so. Thank you so much.

Best regards,

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