Chapter 23*Edited

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Hello All~ Finally the last chapter for the story. The epilogue, wohoo! Sorry for the late installment for the chapter, been busy with my works and everything. Seems like the management had put in a lot of trust in me and having me do a lot of reporting and things to do. A new position was included as working at the same company but with 2 different position. Crazy I tell you. Haha...well....let's put that on the other side, shall we? And so, apologies on the delay and more A/N at the end. Won't hold you guys up any longer with my sappy babbling and stuff. Enjoy~ 

Chapter 23: Moments to Come shall come.

As the curtains were pulled away, the bright shines of the sun came through the glasses of the window, revealing a bright day as birds were flying through the sky, chirping happily. Haruka was only covered by the thin sheets of the bed smiling as she was staring through the windows through her fingers from the glaring sun. Kunimitsu was still laid on the bed, until he too started to open his eyes slowly. Awaken by the bright light over his eyes. He laid his gaze upon Haruka who was gently smiling at him from the windows.

"An angel..." Muttered Tezuka under his breath as he curved a smile on his face.

"Jeez...Mitsu..." Haruka started to blush furiously as she heard the mumbling made by Kunimitsu.

Slowly, Kunimitsu got out of the bed and walk towards Haruka with bare chest and slowly wrapped his hands around her waist, hugging her from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder. Breathe in into her scent before curving a smile.

"Good morning, Haruka..." He whispers into her ear sweetly making her to flinch and blush.

"Go-good...morning...Mitsu..." She said as she started to feel comfortable under his embrace and it all ends when the door was suddenly knocked.

"Rise and shine! Better hurry up before you guys missed the flight!" Shouted Ryoga from the outside.

"Okay, Ryoga-nii!" Replied Haruka.

She sighed and Kunimitsu started to loosen his embrace when they suddenly heard a loud yell. Haruka giggled as she realise just whose that voice is, Ryoma. Kunimitsu just curved a broad smile and patted Haruka's head before he went into the bathroom.

"Ryoga, you idiot!!" Ryoma was yelling.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Ryoga was laughing loudly as went down the stairs.

"Bald head!" Ryoma yelled again.

"Yes, yes Chibi!"

Haruka heard the slam of the door and sigh again. Both of her siblings still act like a child sometimes. It feels as if nothing had changes even when a lot of things had happen along the years. Smiling to herself she took her eyes away from the window.

"Why can't they just be nice to each other?" She mumbles under her breath as she was taking out her dress to wear.


Rinko just sighed as she was waving towards her sons and daughter along with her son-in-law as they passed by the security towards their respective flight. A sad smile curved on her face. Nanjiroh saw this and patted her shoulder gently, easing her. A small smile curved on his face as Rinko turned to face him.

"They will be okay." Nanjiroh said.

"It's just...lonely without them." Rinko stated as a strand of tears was glistening on her cheek.

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