Chapter 9

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Howdie!! Hola Wattpaders! It's me again. Another chapter is edited but yeah, i'm rushing the chapter quite a bit since i've been very busy nowadays...Oh least i'm updating the story and that's what important anyway right? And so, thank you so much for the votes, reads, shares, and also the comments that you guys had given me. Thank you so very much. And thank you for listing my story in your libraries and lists. Thank you so very much. I totally appreciate them Thank you. And so, enjoy~ Till next chapter~ 

Chapter 9 : I like him afterall!

Kanto Tournament, Seigaku against Hyotei...

It looks like Haruka's intuition is true afterall, the game between both Captain was prolong into a long match and it worries her. It seems that Oishi was telling the others about Tezuka's past but it doesn't bother her a bit. The one thing that bothers her right now is Tezuka's condition.

"It's is really, really bad...Please stop...Tezuka-senpai, or you will ruin your arm..." She thought.

Ryoma was still on the coach bench. Watching the game first-handed from the front row. It also bothers him, she noticed that Ryoma had clicked his tongue full with annoyance. She knows, because she too understand it. Her grip on divider of the court tightened. 

"Aghh!!!" A scream was heard.

It was Tezuka who was already falling onto his knees because of the pain on his shoulder. Everyone was worried looking at the scene and it pained Haruka more than anything than seeing the helpless state of Tezuka. Ryoga who was right next to her realized that and tried to re-ensure her that everything will be alright by holding her hand. Even he, himself knows that the situation is far from being okay. 

"It will be alright...Haru..." Ryoga said while trying to curve up a smile on his face. Even he, himself is worried and aware of the danger that it holds if Tezuka keep on playing with the injured shoulder. He gently hold onto Haruka's shoulder, trying to comfort and ensures her that it will be alright.

"I-I hope so..." Haruka replied.

It seems that everyone had gathers around Tezuka who was now sitting on the coach bench with Ryoma. Haruka suddenly get down to the court and walks towards Tezuka with a worried face. Tezuka was surprised but still trying to keep his calm and composed face.

"You can't lie to me, Tezuka-senpai..."She said almost sobbing.

"I'm fine..."Tezuka replied.

" can't hide it from Haru..." Finally Ryoma said something while didn't turn his gaze away from the court.

"Let me see it..." Haruka said. "Please bring me the first aid box please, Oishi-senpai." She added.

"O-Okay..." Oishi replied.

Ryuzaki-sensei who was there with Kawamura was surprised by the situation but they were trying to make the other felt relief by seeing that Kawamura's hand is fine. Seeing them there, the others felt relief for Takamura but the situation on the game right now is bad. Haruka only need to take a small glimpse of Tezuka's shoulder to actually know that it will sacrifice Tezuka's arm if he were to keep on playing that long rally. She took a deep breath just by seeing it. Tears started to fall from her face and it had shocked the other members including Ryoga who was standing at the audience seat.

" need to stop."

"No...I will continue it."

"Te-Tezuka..." Said Oishi almost screaming it out loud.

"Buchou...." Is all that Momoshiro could utter at that moment.

"Bu-but..." Haruka tried to protest it.

" will be fine..." Tezuka tried to ease her.

Haruka did her best to ease the pain on Tezuka's shoulder and she could not stop worrying about Tezuka and not the game. Ryoma who was there could sense that she was anxious about Tezuka continuing the rally but he, himself could not said anything. He knows that he might need to prepare for the worst if the game is continued with the sub-in if Tezuka lost the rally.

"Don't lose...buchou..." Is what Ryoma said before standing up and started to grab his racket to warm up.

"Ah..." Is all Tezuka answered.


"Don't worry Haru..." Said Ryoma while patting her head gently with a smile on his face.


The game ended with Tezuka losing the rally and it's time for Ryoma to play a game in order to decide the winner. Ryoma seems frustrated and mad but Haruka knows that he will play well and win the game for them.

It seems that Ryoma was pissed that Tezuka loses his game but, he knows that it can't be help because Tezuka was injured and all, but still he seems thrilled that he could play a game on that day.

As Ryoma walks down to the court, Ryoga hurriedly walks towards him and whisper something to him.

"Don't lose to such a brat, chibisuke." Said Ryoga.

"Tsk, I won't lose."

"Later, Haruka and I will be going to the Hospital for her check-up but it seems that that Captain of yours will be coming too."

"Okay." Is his only replies.

" not cute..."

"I'm not cute." Ryoma replies as he strides onto the court.

The game ended with Ryoma winning the game and Seigaku won their game against Hyotei. They were overjoyed by it and everyone seems happy. Even Tezuka seems pleased by the situation. Haruka who was still worried about Tezuka's arm walks toward Tezuka rather than enjoying their first winning in the tournament.

"Is your arm alright, Tezuka-senpai?" She asked.

"'s already fine, Haruka-san."

"I see...then you'll be coming with me to the hospital for the check-up."

"Ahh...I will do so." Answered Tezuka.

"It-It seems to me that, you had broken your promise...Tezuka-senpai..." Haruka said with a sad smile on her face.

"Well...I'm sorry...but it seems that you didn't." He answered and patted Haruka's head gently.

Haruka was shocked by Tezuka's action and became flustered. Not to mention her heart was thumping loudly and her face was as red as ripped tomatoes. Luckily, both Ryoga and Ryoma was nowhere near them at that moment or it might gave out what her secret had been. 


"Stupid! How can you be so cool...Tezuka-senpai...It is so unfair...Why him?? Why did I fall for him??" Haruka started to blushes again by remembering the incident. "It seems that...I like him...afterall..." Haruka said as she kept on holding onto her fluffy pillows. Occasionally screaming onto it.

She heaved a sigh as she kept on remembering the whole situation again, but worries had also came through her. Tezuka's condition had worsened than his original condition before the tournament. Even the check-up didn't gave out quite a good results. Even she could see how bad it was.

To Be continue

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