
39 3 2

1 year later

Senior year

T A Y L O R .

I cried as I closed the bathroom door

"Open this fucking door!" Lee yelled banging on the door I jumped

"Lee I can't do this right now" I wiped my tears but they just kept falling

Luckily Myles was at school and Amoura was at daycare

"Tay please open the door" He said in a softer tone

I opened the door slowly

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to him

"What I tell you bout running away from me huh?" My heart rate when up I was terrified

Since Lee's mom died he's been aggressive he hasn't hit me but he's just controlling

"L-Lee I'm sorry I just got scared" I tried to release my wrists from his grip my wrists were starting to turn red

"Lee" I tried to move

"You make me so mad sometimes you just make this shit impossible" He released me a tear slipped from my eye but I quickly wiped it

"What are you crying for?? You're always crying what you got to cry about" He yelled angrily in my face the smell of alcohol wrecked

"I-I gotta go to school"

"Then go then bitch" he spat I punched him in the jaw

"There's two things I'll never allow you to do put your hands on me and call me out my name who the fuck to you think you are Rylee" I pushed him

"What's wrong with you Lee I thought you would be better then him you promised me you'll never be like him and look at you" I told him

"Yo whatever Tay I'll see you when you get home" He walked up the stairs

"You're not gonna walk away from my Rylee like I don't mean anything to you" I followed him we were in the bedroom

"Lee look at me" I pulled his arm

"Taylor I advise you to get out my face right now" He moved my hand

"Or what Lee what are you gonna do" I pushed him away from me

"Yo what the fuck did I just tell you Taylor" He pushed me hard onto the bed he was on top of me the tension between us was so thick you could see it I breathed heavily as he looked me in my eyes staring into my soul he got up and walked away

I sighed he doesn't love me anymore

He just proved it.

He blames me for the reason his mom died but he still has a soft spot for me sometimes

I promised Myles if he ever put his hands on me I would leave but I can't. Where would I go?

I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs it scared me

"Taylor?" I heard my daddy's voice I sighed out of relief

"Hey daddy" I got up and hugged him

"Your front door was open I was just coming to check on you" He kissed my forehead

"I'm alright daddy there's no need for that" I reassured him I put my hands behind my back not wanting him to ask questions about my wrists

"I'm guessing baby girl and Myles are off at school and daycare" He smiled

"Yea they are I gotta go to work soon" I tried to get him to leave

"How's Imani?" I asked

"She's been good she misses you she told me y'all haven't talked in a while" I sighed

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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