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T A Y L O R✨

I scrolled through my Instagram feed as I walked home I saw everyone posting about Chadwick Boseman and his death I turned my phone off and decided to go to the store instead of straight home I have a hair appointment at 3:40 so I have to hurry but luckily Earnest's corner store is only 5 minutes away from our house  I opened my purse and took my mask out as my fathers words rang through my head

"Never give respect to someone who doesn't respect you you hear me princess"

"I hear you" I turned to him and gave him a hug 

The bell at the top of the door awoke me from my thoughts I texted Lee to tell him I was ok

"Hey Earnest" I said as I entered the store

"Hey Princess how ya doing"

"I'm ok how bout ya self"

"I'm good you wanna work here someone quit yesterday and I need someone I trust working the cash register"

"Umm yea?" I said unsure

"Well think about it and let me know by Saturday I'll only have you working on the weekends cause I know how ya mama is"

"Ok" I simply said and grabbed some skittles and hot fries for Myles and a red Fanta and hot fries for me Damon texted me to get some wings for him and Brittney

"As soon as I walked to the hot bar to get some wings for Damon I felt sick to my stomach and the food I ate for breakfast came up" I ran to the bathroom and threw up I haven't ate all day all I eat is snacks I don't really have that much money for real food

"What is wrong with me?" Then it clicked Its the beginning of the month and I haven't had my period I've been throwing up in the morning

"Oh God no please" I said to myself I ran out the bathroom with tears in my eyes

I grabbed the pregnancy test and brought the wings and snacks to the counter I don't have enough money for real food for my brother and I  Earnest looked at the pregnancy test then back me

"I-It's for my mo-Brittney" I corrected myself

"That wasn't what I was looking at"he said

"Oh.. then what was it"

"What happened to your face Princess" he asked examine my face again "Umm nothing" I said pulling my hoodie up

"Go get you and your brother some food I know this isn't for you I don't want y'all starving" he said sincerely

"T-Thank you Mr.Earnest you've been really kind to us" I said going back to the hot bar and getting a little bit of everything

"That's how your daddy would've wanted it" I smiled thinking about my daddy

"Thank you so much and the answer to your question is yes I will come to work on Saturday" I told him

"Ok see you then" he waved as I walked out the door of his shop I ran home and gave the food to Myles as we waited for the hair lady to get here

"Damon said put the food in the microwave so when they get back it'll still be hot" Myles told me

"Ok" I said as I took another bite of the fried fish

"Princess what happened that night Damon took you in his room?" He asked curiously I choked on my food as he looked at me

"Uh" the memories started to flash back as tears were brought to my eyes as I remember the pain I went through and the marks on my neck and back the pain of him pushing up against me

"Princess" he snapped his fingers

"Yes" "Oh sorry" I apologized

"What happened?" He said still prying

"He took something from me"

"What did he take?"

"Something very special to me" I didn't even realize I was crying until he put his little hand on my face

"It's ok princess we'll get it back" he kissed my cheek I wiped my nose

"Your so sweet but I don't think we can" I kissed his forehead

"Now eat Myles you need to eat"

"Ok" he grabbed his plate and began to eat his food I heard the door bell ring and I looked through the peep hole and saw it was the hair lady

"Oh hi" I said letting her inside

"Hello I'm Ashley" she said offering her hand my right hand had sauce on it from the fries I have her my left

"Hi I'm Taylor but everybody calls me Princess" I brought her to the living room

"So what do you want done to your hair?"

"Can I have my hair flat ironed I'm getting my hair done for my 16th birthday"

"Yes I can do that is your hair already washed?"

"Yes I washed it earlier" I said thinking about my shower at Lee's house

"Ok that will be $20 cause I used to know your daddy"

"Ok Brittney said she will pay for it when she comes home" I said pondering in my thoughts of how she could've possibly known my dad I handed her the last money I had which was a $20

"Ok turn your head this way please" I turned my head to the side as she started doing my hair it took about 2 hours for her to finish

"Thank you!" I said looking in the bathroom mirror

"You're welcome girl call me anytime" she said she took an off guard picture and with that she left

"Myles" I yelled for him to come here

"Yes!!" He yelled back coming down the stairs to the living room

"Did you eat all your food?" I questioned him

"Yes I did it was good"

"Good" I smiled

"You called me all the way down here to ask me that?!" He said mad

"Yea pretty much and to ask you to bring me the bag upstairs please" I smiled laughing at how mad he looked because I made him walk all the way down stairs he smack his teeth and stomped up the stairs to my room to retrieve my bag he came back and threw it at me

"Myles that hurt" I held my side from the bruising that was there

"I'm sorry" he hugged me

"It's ok"  I looked at his healing black eye

Ok go back upstairs Brittney and Damon are gonna be here soon you know the drill stay upstairs until I come in there ok?"

"Ok" he went upstairs I ran the bathroom as I took the pregnancy tests and peed on the stick and set a timer for five minutes I was so nervous my heart was beating out of my chest I quickly locked the door as I heard someone open the front door I look at the pregnancy test and my heart sank Oh God I'm pregnant by him I heard a bang on the bathroom door

"Taylor I know you in here you know how I feel about locked doors" he kicked the door I hid the pregnancy test under the sink he kicked the door once again and it stand wide open he grabbed by my shirt and pinned me against the wall

"Why did you lock the door!"

"I-I'm sorry I was using the bathroom I didn't want Myles to come in" I lied

"Lie again" he punched me as he let me go my nose leaked blood I cried loudly because it hurt so bad

"Shut up Taylor" he said as he kicked me in the back repeatedly and kicked me in the face in last time right in the eye and I blacked out...

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