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T A Y L O R💙✨

I watched as the doctors stuck another IV in me and I winced

"I'm sorry you're gonna have to do this for a week until you're blood levels go back to normal and we are gonna give you some iron pills for you're Anemia and you will have to get birth control to stop you're period because you've lost too much blood" she explained

"O-ok" I shook my head as my dad entered my room I looked at my one week old daughter as she yawned I smiled she's so beautiful

*imagine a hospital in the back ground😑*

"I love you so much baby" i held her tiny hand as she looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes

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"I love you so much baby" i held her tiny hand as she looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes

"I'm so sorry Princess I really am" I ignored him as tears fell down my face as I thought on how much better my life could be if was never taken that day

"No you're not tell me if you could would you do it differently" he didn't answer

"That's all I needed to know"

"Tay you've got to understand that I was putting you guys in harm you know what I did and what that brings"

"But you don't know what happened to me when you left daddy" I cried

"It broke me I didn't have anybody except Mani and then she left me too and they brought me there" I looked towards the wall


"You know where Lamont" I rolled my eyes He clenched his jaw

"They did this to you?!"

"Like you care! You we're gone for almost 6 years now dad! Why do you care now!" I yelled as my voice cracked

"Because you're my daughter!"

"You lost me! You lost me the day you decided to fake you're death you lost me the day you let me go live with these monsters you lost me the day you left me alone without saying goodbye you lost me the day I broke down because I missed you daddy you lost me the day you left me I thought you would be with me forever why did you leave me daddy I needed you!" My voice cracked as I cried he hugged me

"I know baby I know but they were after me and I couldn't have you two in that and knowing Myles was on the way I didn't want anything to happen to you guys"

"I would've rather died then go through what I went through you don't even know what happened do you?" I looked up at him through my puffy eyes He looked at me then back at Amoura

"No" he paused I looked down

"Taylor please tell me that's not da-" i nodded as he sat down in the chair and ran his hands down his face as he looked at me with pity

"Did he force you-"

"Yes" I cried

"Yes! And all of this could've been avoided!" I cried as I sat on the floor

"Taylor I'm so sor-" he grabbed my hand

"Leave me alone I want to be alone right now" I said as I brought my knees up to my chest he raised his hand and I flinched he looked at me with tears forming in his eyes he shook his head and he ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my forehead I looked at his arm and looked at the tattoo on his arm the read "Princess" and the tattoo on his upper arm that says  "Imani" and "Myles" on the other shoulder he wiped a tear that slipped from my eye my breathing hitched as memories started coming back

I watched as he ran his fingers through my hair
"I love you princess don't forget that" he kissed my forehead as he left the house little did I know he wouldn't be coming back home that night

-Hours later-

We heard a hard knock at the door

"Mani who's at the door?"

"I don't know" she said as she got up and looked through the peep hole

"CPS?" she said confused

"Go upstairs Tay now!" I hid upstairs behind the wall so I could see what was happening

"Hello sir"

"Hello I'm detective Titus and this is detective Rasmussen and we are here on the behalf of Child Protective Services and we are here for you and your sister"

"No whats going on my daddy said he was gonna come back" the detective sighed
"Your father was murdered" he said dryly I gasped the detectives looked my way and waved to me I walked down the stairs and hugged my sister as I silently sobbed

"No" she said as her voice cracked

"No your lying!" She said now crying

"Ma'am we need you and your sister to come with us"

"No! We're not going with you!" She yelled as tears fell down her face the detective grabbed her arm forcefully she fought him to let go of her

"Do you wanna do this the easy way or the hard way?" She was still fighting him

"Let her go!" I said making my presence known

"Get the little one I got her" Detective Titus said as he grabbed my sisters arm and put them behind her back so she couldn't fight him anymore

"Please don't take her away from me she's all I got!" Imani cried

"I love you" she mouthed to me as they put her in a separate car

"No mani" I banged on the window as tears fell down my face

"Please don't leave me" I cried he took her away and we went a separate way and I ended up here Myles lived with Brittney since he was born we have different mom's but the same dad the abuse didn't start until I was 12 when she met Damon almost 4 years ago... tears left my eyes as I thought about my painful life and how much better it would've been if my daddy was still here... and now he's here he wants to be back in my life and I can't... I don't know who to trust...

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