Sweet 16

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T A Y L O R ✨
September, 6th, 2020

I looked in the bathroom mirror as I flat ironed my hair I did my best to cover up the large bruise on my face I got my nails done a couple of days ago and put on a blue hoodie to cover my back

Lee texted me to meet him at his house he has a surprise

"You look so pretty princess" Brittney said coming in the bathroom

"Thank you" I looked down

"I got you something" she handed me a box that said "pandora" on it I gasped As I looked inside

"It's a pandora bracelet!" I hugged her
"Thank you so much you didn't have to do this" she nodded

"Your dad bought it he told me to give it to you on your 16th birthday" I smiled thinking about my daddy

"Thank you Brittney" I smiled at her

"Ok I gotta get going are you taking Myles to school or do you want me to?"

"You go ahead I got him it's your birthday today enjoy it" she smiled as I put it on my wrist

"Thank you"  I grabbed my book bag and a granola bar and headed out the door to Lee's house so we can walk to school together we live right next to each other he just lives a couple houses down

"Leeeeeee!!!!" I jumped on him as I saw him walking out the house

"Girl don't be jumping on me like that I almost socked you" he turned around and started at me I blushed

"You look good" he hugged me as he grabbed my waist and kissed my lips I pulled away

"What's my surprise?"

"This" he pulled out his brand new 2017 Nissan Altima it was a bag and a teddy bear with candy money and a card in it

"Omg thank you baby" I kissed his lips as we got in his car and drove to school he posted me on his Snapchat and Instagram

"Omg thank you baby" I kissed his lips as we got in his car and drove to school he posted me on his Snapchat and Instagram

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Swavy.lee Happy birthday baby I love you so much and I hope you have a great sweet sixteen!❤️💙😘

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"Thank you babeeee" he put his hand on my thigh as he drove around

"Boy move" I pushed his hand off

"Don't do that" he hit my back playfully and I winced

"I'm sorry you ok?" He looked at me as we stopped at a red light

"Yea I'm ok" As we got to the school I felt myself getting dizzy so I held onto the cafeteria table as I felt my dinner coming back up I held my mouth as I ran to the trash can i threw up in my blue hoodie so I changed into my black one that I keep in my locker he followed me to the bathroom

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