At Last

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3 months later

T A Y L O R 🦋✨

September 13th 2020


I watched as Lee frantically packed the hospital bag as I groaned in pain

"Babyyyy it hurts" I yelled

"I know I know baby just hold on ok" he said as he threw the bag in the back seat where Myles was and He got in the drivers seat as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it I breathed in and out

"It's gonna be ok mama" He reassured me

"I'm scared baby" I said as tears fell down my face as I felt a sharp pain I pulled my underwear off from under my dress

"GO NOW!" I yelled as I clutched my large stomach

"She's coming hurry!!" I said as I leaned my seat back and out put my feet up pushing I've been feeling pain in my stomach since last morning I didn't know I was in labor

"Are you ok sissy?" Myles asked me

"Omg LEE SHES COMING!" Yes I found out it was a girl I breathed in and out as we made it to the hospital it was too late for me to get out the car Lee got some towels and laid the down in the back seat she was already coming out he ran in the hospital as two women in white coats ran to me I cried as I felt the urge to push and it hurt so bad I think I ripped something

"I can't do it!" I yelled as I walked to the back seat

"Go in the front Myles" Lee told him

"Ahh" I yelled out

"Lay down ma'am" I laid down as the doctors propped my legs up

"Her head is showing give one big push for me" the doula said as she grabbed my hand I breathed heavily as sweat beads fell down my head I gave one big push and stopped as I felt myself ripping more

"Come on one more then we'll pull the baby out"

"I can't do it any more!" I squeezed her hand as I pushed again she pulled the baby and I heard a loud cry as tears fell down my cheek I watched as blood ran down my leg I gasped

"It's normal your vaginal tissue is ripped" she cleaned the blood as she cleaned the cut I winced and flinched my legs closed

"I'm sorry but I have to do this" she said as she cleaned the cut a nurse came to the car and brought a wheel chair I'm so tired And hot I watched as the doctor rocked my daughter gently as she cried

"Can I hold her" I said as we said entered the hospital more blood was dripping down my leg I quickly wiped the blood with the cloth she gave me before anyone noticed we entered the hospital room as Lee pushed my wheel chair I started feeling light headed but I ignored it they helped me slowly get on the bed there was blood on my dress I watched as the doctor washed my baby off

"Ma'am what do you want to name her?" The nurse asked me I nodded "Amoura Lee Carter"

Lee looked towards me with a smile on his face as he kissed my forehead the doctor brought me my baby girl as I held her in my arms she wrapped her tiny hand around my finger I kissed her hand as tears fell down my face I may not have wanted this baby and wanted nothing to do with it but I love her so much already I handed her to Lee so I could go to sleep and I felt something trickling down my leg under the covers I quickly wiped myself with the rag on the table next to me Lee was too busy with Amoura that he didn't notice I looked over at Myles and he was sleep I thought about how different my life would be now that I have a child and how different my life would be without her my eyes grew heavy and soon fell asleep....

Short chapter😬 sorry I'm tired and we got school tomorrow morning lol I hate it here😫

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